Carmine Bellucci

Carmine Bellucci è un artista/designer nato a Foggia che vive e lavora a Padova. Dopo aver conseguito una laurea in Arti Visive a Milano ha iniziato ad operare in diversi campi artistici, che vanno dalla moda all’advertising. Diversi i clienti con il quale ha collaborato, tra i cui menzioniamo Triennale Milano, Regione Lombardia, Musei di Como, Men’s Health Australia, Maxim Italy, Leo Burnett Australia, FB Dubai, Musei Civici Eremitani di Padova, Royal Botanic Garden di Sydney e Harvard University. Bellucci ha figurato su importanti annuali di illustrazione, come 3x3 Illustration Directory, Lurker’s Archive 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide e Capsules Book.

Bellucci è capace di creare e narrare. Dal suo pennello scaturiscono mondi ipnotici e teatrali pieni di dinamismo ed energia. Il suo poetico linguaggio visivo è un circo di sogni in cui l’occhio viaggia alla ricerca del dettaglio, dialogando liberamente con forme e colori.

Ci troviamo difronte a composizioni che uniscono influenze/rimandi che vanno dal gusto quasi classicheggiante per il dettaglio all’uso energico del colore tipico della cultura pop contemporanea.

Carmine Bellucci is an Italian artist and illustrator working and living in Padua, Italy.

He attended the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) in Milan and graduated in Visual Arts. Afterwards he continued his studies attending the advanced course in Type Design at Politecnico in Milan. He has worked with many international client. Besides his training and work he has always been involved in the underground visual culture and kept up to date with what's happening in the subculture, he founded the Interplay Art group and with them landed several commissioned works and took part in many local and national street art events.

Carmine has always had a keen interest and passion for arts and any visual expression of all those invisible movements we call feelings and emotions, in all their complex yet fascinating dynamics. He paints whimsical and quirky worlds where everything can happen, shapes, colors, rainbows and a touch of nostalgic magic make his output unique, authentic and mesmerizing. In the digital world of perfection he believes that the brush scuffing the rough surface of wood and the uneven painted texture still give off a beguiling vibe of reality, humanity and powerful visual language.

He is member of the AI (Associazione Illustratori).

Carmine is represented by The Illustration Room and Art Associates.

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