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Gianluca Bonomo è un artista multimediale di base a Londra, dove si è trasferito dopo gli studi artistici (Liceo Artistico, Palermo) ed universitari (Storia dell’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, La Sapienza, Roma).

Nella capitale Gianluca ha creato principalmente installazioni ed opere sperimentali esposte in varie gallerie della citta’ (ed oltre) incluso il Politectnico XX Arte, Galleria Graf. Campioli, Galleria Spazio Oltre, Galleria “Altri Laviori In Corso” e il Roof Garden del Palazzo Delle Esposizioni.

A Londra Gianluca studia Film & Video produzione/post-produzione e lavora per la BBC e Channel 4 ma anche per musicisti come Mika e Imogen Heap. Nel 2008 vince la competition Cinema Four Doc (Channel 4) con il video “Susan & Susan che viene mostrato in prima serata sull’importante canale Inglese.

I suoi cortometraggi e video arte, alcuni dei quali premiati, sono stati selezionati in numerosi festival in Europa (Video Dance ad Atene, Dance Film Forum a Montecarlo, Dance On Screen a Londra, TTV Festival Bologna ecc.) mentre le sue opere (incluso istallazioni, opere fotografiche e video art) sono state esposte in varie gallerie ed eventi d’arte contemporanea tra questi 291 Gallery di Londra, , Limewharf Gallery, “La Biennale di Venezia > Empire II” artist’s films (Venezia), sale museali della Corte di Correzzola (Correzzola, Padova) “Shoreditch Town Hall Lower Gallery”, Museo Diocesano di Padova e più volte alla “Hundred Years Gallery” di Londra.

Nell’aprile 2019 Gianluca e’ invitato ad Arvidsjaur nella Lapponia Svedese per un artist residency di 8 giorni. Durante la permanenza Gianluca completa le riprese di un video arte basato sull’affascinante storia e leggenda della sciamana Rika Maja (1661-1757). Il progetto e’ finanziato dal “Norrbotten Council” dell’omonima regione.

Piu recentemente uno dei progetti multimediali di Gianluca titolato CCTVYLLE è stato fonte di ispirazione di alcuni video utilizzati durante i concerti di Vasco Rossi titolato “Vasco Non Stop Live 2019”.

Nel settembre del 2019 il dipartimento della BBC (Brirtish Broadcasting Corporation) Tailandese pubblica un intero articolo dedicato al progetto multimediale CCTVYLLE. L’articolo include un’intervista con Gianluca Bonomo e varie immagini del progetto.

Gianluca partecipa alla mostra “Dissolvenze” (curata da Enrica Feltracco, Maxi Sabbion e Matteo Vanzan) svoltasi al Museo Diocesano di Padova tra Ottobre e Novembre del 2019. Gianluca sta al momento creando un video musicale, in parte animato, per Sasha Torrisi (ex cantante dei Timoria).

Gianluca Bonomo is a multimedia artist and film-maker based in London (UK), where he moved after his studies (Art College in Palermo, Studies of Modern and Contemporary Art at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome).

In Rome Gianluca created predominantly installations and experimental work shown in various galleries of the capital and beyond among these were Politecnico XX Arte ("Eventualmente" Group Exhibition 1994 - "In Punta Di Piedi" group exhibition 1995) and Palazzo Delle Esposizioni ("Scarpe", shoe themed exhibition, Upper floor / Roof Garden 1996).

After moving to London Gianluca studied Film & Video production and post production. He worked on BBC and Channel 4 programmes as a set designer assistant and for several film directors as a storyboard artist.

In 2002 he started his own video production. The following years led to collaborations with various contemporary dance choreographers and performers (Rebecca Bogue who performed in the series titled "Under" - 2018, Sarah Dowling, Linda Remhal, Tharan Revfem). Some of his dance based films (Seize, Seed, Trois Temps and others) were shown at The Place in London (where he won a Dance On Screen award), Dance Film Forum in Montecarlo, TTV festival in Bologna, Video Dance Festival in Athens and more.

During the same period Gianluca produced a series of video art (Settlement series) shown at 291 gallery and other venues. Between 2007 and 2008 Gianluca produced 2 short films for Channel 4 titled"Summer" (commissioned) and "Susan & Susan. The latter won Channel 4 FourDocs competition called "People and other animals". The film was aired prime time on Channel 4 (Sumer 2008).

Between 2009 and 2010 Gianluca received commissioned video work from known artists such as Mika (Rain) and Imogen Heap (Ellipse album) and later from Davis Films and Michael J. Basset (Solomon Kane feature film).

It is around this time that Gianluca's interest in multidisciplinary art projects became stronger, it led to new collaborations (See Cctvylle page as an example). From 2012 onwards he intensified his production of photography-based art works, which he showed in Berlin, London and Italy.

Between 2013 and 2018 his work was shown at FLUSSI Digital Art Festival in Avellino (Italy, 2013), Lime Wharf Gallery (London 2014), Putia and Bobez Arte galleries (Italy 2014-15), Shoreditch Town Hall (“Flight” video created with Agnes Treplin for the University of the Arts of London. 2015), several times at the Hundred Years Gallery (London 2016-17).

A few more mentions: “Blu” exhibition curated by Costabile Guariglia, Castello Dell’Abate (Castellabate – Italy 2016), Ansia created with artist Julia Maddison premiered in 2017 in Venice as part of a worldwide touring event called Empire II – The Age of Anxiety.

The above is just a short list.

Between the end of 2016 and the Summer of 2018 Gianluca dedicated a great amount of time to the production and presentation of comics and a monograph about the project Cctvyl.le. Gianluca exhibited at many Comic conventions in UK (MCM London, MCM Birmingham, MCM Glasgow, Edinburgh) and abroad including Padua in Italy (BeComics 2018).

Back to his visual art production in October 2018 Gianluca presented a brand-new video art called "Under" and 4 large photographs from Ubi Corpus series at the group exhibition curated by Enrica Feltracco, Maxi Sabbion and Matteo Vanzan titled “Amorefolle”. The show took place in the amazing historic spaces of the “Corte di Correzzola” (Padua - Italy).

Gianluca's recent work includes a new photographic series (Behind The Front) a new collaborative video project, which took place in Swedish Lapland in April 2019 ("The legendary life of Rika Maja" 10 minutes, Arvidsjaur, Sami Land). A series of new video art works one of which consisting of three synchronized screens premiered at the Diocesan Museum of Padua (IT) as part of the exhibition called "Dissolvenze" (October/November 2019).

Gianluca is currently working on a number of commissioned projects, including a music video for Sasha Torrisi (ex singer of Timoria band).

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