Fabrizio Carbone (AIPAN)

Fabrizio Carbone, 77 anni, dipinge da sempre, giornalista dal 1968, documentarista dal 1992 per Rai 1 e Rai 3, è stato il fondatore del gruppo Ars et Natura e aderisce da molti anni all'Aipan. Ha partecipato a decine di mostre collettive in musei e parchi nazionali, ha esposto in gallerie private con mostre personali in Italia e all'estero. Tra i fondatori del WWF Italia, è stato consigliere nazionale di Lipu, Legambiente e Wwf. E' direttore responsabile di Greenpeace news e dirige un blog sul clima (clima.blendmagazine.it). E' cavaliere della Rosa Bianca di Finlandia, paese dove trascorre molti mesi all'anno.

Fabrizio Carbone, 77 years old, has always been a painter. He has been working as journalist since 1968 and documentary film-maker for RAI1 and RAI2 since 1992. He is a founding member of the group Ars et Natura and has been member of Aipan for many years. His works were shown in dozens of collective exhibtions in museums and national parks, beside he had his own personal exhibitions in private galleries, in Italy and abroad. He is a founding member of WWF Italy, and sat in the national board of Lipu, Legambiente and WWF. He is the director of Greenpeace news and of clima.blendmagazine.it, a blog focused on climate issue. He is a Knight of the Order of the White Rose of Finland, a country where he spends many months every year.

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