astro turf pros

Artificial Turf Denver Center

9615 East County Line Road STE 537B

Centennial, CO 80112-353

(720) 573-1082

Why install synthetic turf instead of real lawn? Most of the following steps are not required when you choose to install synthetic surfaces rather than a traditional one. A court should have a slope of a few inches from one end to the other to carry off water. After the level is determined, all there is to making a court is to fill in or cut away soil and earth until the proper level space is obtained. As a rule it is better to dig away for

a court rather than to fill in, as we thus obtain a better bottom and one that will require but little rolling. In the case of a slope, it is well so to locate the court that the amount of earth excavated from one end will be just about sufficient to fill in the other.

The final surfacing of a court is done by means of clay and sand in the proportion of about four or five to one, the clay of course being in excess. To mix clay and sand thoroughly, the former should first be pulverized thoroughly when dry and the mixture sifted over the court carefully and evenly. The next step is rolling and wetting, and more

rolling and wetting until finally the whole is allowed to dry and is ready for play. The slight irregularities and roller ridges that often appear in a court will soon be worn off by the players' feet, but playing of course will not change the grade. A new court will be

greatly improved by use, but no one should be allowed on a court except with rubber-soled shoes. Heeled shoes will soon ruin a court, and it is bad practice even to allow any one to walk over a court unless with proper footwear.

Leveling The Playing Court

The preliminary leveling of a court can be accomplished with a rake and a straight-edged board, but after the clay has become packed and hard it will be necessary to use considerable force in scraping off the inequalities. A metal cutting edge, such as a hoe or scraper, will be found useful. A court should be swept with a coarse broom to

distribute the fine material evenly. Another very good sweeper can be made from a piece of wood about six or eight feet long to which several thicknesses of bagging have been tacked or fastened. The final step in making a court consists in marking it out.

Since most courts are marked so that they will be suitable either for singles or doubles or so that either two or four people can play at a time. Where tape markers are to be used, the proper distances will appear on the tape without measuring, but if lime is used for marking a careful plotting will be necessary to secure the proper distances, after which the corners should be indicated by angle irons, so that the court may be

re-marked at any time without re-measuring. Remember that synthetic turfs are almost free maintenance surfaces, and will save you time and money at long last.

Artificial Turf Denver Center Artificial Turf Denver Center 9615 East County Line Road STE 537B Centennial, CO 80112-353 (720) 573-1082 we serve near denver, colorado springs, centennial, boulder and nearby cities Long since synthetic turf has been available on the open market, the golf industry has never really opened up to the idea of using synthetic turf on their golf courses. Usually, synthetic turf will be found to be used on golf ranges and putting greens and in some rare cases, short game practice areas. Now with rising maintenance costs and water expenses, golf courses and their superintendents are now having to reconsider the idea of using synthetic turf on the actual golf course itself and not just on practice facilities. Drawbacks to using Synthetic Turf - Heat: The materials being used to make synthetic grass make it too to play on during the summer. For example, on a 90 F degree day, the temperature could rise up to 150 degrees F. Because of that, using synthetic grass on a golf course in a very hot region would be irrational. - Bacteria & Toxins: When covered in rain, the synthetic grass doesn't allow for proper drainage meaning blood, animal feces, sweat, and skin cells can remain on the synthetic turf because of the lack of proper drainage. When proper drainage does not happen, bacteria will start forming on the surface which will then be detrimental for the environment. - Lack of Realistic Feel: Although synthetic grass may look like real grass when an iron shot is taken on these synthetic turf surfaces the shot feedback is less than stellar. Natural grass is soft which then allows a golfer to take a divot, but because the synthetic grass solution is meant for the blades to stay in place, hitting shots on these surfaces can sometimes be painful. - High Costs: Synthetic grass is not a cheap solution to have, as they cost a lot of money to manufacture and that's not even including installation expenses. Although going synthetic does in theory reduce the amount of time to manage the turf compared to natural grass, it still does require some repairing to do and to have products reinstalled will cost more money. - Once Synthetic, Forever Synthetic: Once the switch to synthetic grass has been made, it kills all living organisms in the soil making it almost impossible to grow grass for a very long time. These are the reasons why the switch to synthetic grass is harder than it sounds. The only way that it could be beneficial for golf courses is if there was a product that combined the use of both synthetic grass and natural grass that will be more affordable, have better drainage, and will not be environmentally hazardous. This is where Coverlawn comes in. Coverlawn is a synthetic grass solution that is very similar to traditional synthetic turf but also different at the same time. Coverlawns unique backing allows for the natural grass to grow up from the soil and also allows for proper drainage. The waterless nature of synthetic grass continues to be a dominant reason why many households and commercial businesses employ its use. It stands as a revolutionary component in the landscaping world, as well as in the environmentally friendly movement. For many homes and businesses, water has been something crucial and necessary in order to maintain a simple natural lawn. However, the technological breakthrough of artificial grass has completely changed this, allowing lawns to basically maintain themselves-something that would have been unheard of several decades ago. Waterless synthetic turf is an investment that proves to save on time, money, and natural resources. Approximately 22,000-25,000 gallons of water are spent on watering a single lawn each year. This does not take into account recreational areas, or sports fields, which can exponentially add to the use of water. With environmental issues, such as toxic waste, excessive emissions, and the wasteful use of water, installing an artificial turf yard can help to reverse such damage. With a synthetic grass yard, several thousand gallons of water can be saved a year. For states that already impose lawn watering regulations, a synthetic turf lawn easily adheres to the rules by requiring no water whatsoever. Areas that are undergoing droughts can heavily benefit by the use of artificial grass because of heavy water conservation that will prove useful to reverse negative effects. Artificial turf does not need weeding, mowing, or fertilizing, which further helps the environment. Toxic chemicals and emissions are lessened greatly, or are even nonexistent with waterless synthetic grass lawns. The average cost of bare minimum lawn care, or very basic lawn care amounts to approximately $30 a week, or $120 a month. This equates to approximately $1440 a year. With a synthetic turf lawn, costs on lawn care can be greatly reduced, adding up to great savings at the end of the year. For businesses, overhead for upkeep, including maintenance bills can add up each month. With a waterless artificial grass lawn or landscape area, maintenance bills for businesses can decrease immensely, allowing businesses to put their money towards other costs. Artificial turf lawns and surfaces also help greatly with other maintenance costs, such as gardening, weeding, fertilizing, and mowing. With a waterless lawn, you do not have to worry about dirt and mud spots, which can be tracked in by heavy traffic or pets. Though it does not require water, synthetic grass' state of the art drainage system manually drains water and liquids that it comes into contact with. Thus, rain and other liquids will not damage the surface of the turf. Since it has a backing that is highly perforated, water can drain through in all directions. With such effective drainage, bacterial spores are prevented from growing within the synthetic grass. With the need for saving resources like water, synthetic grass is ideal because of its completely waterless characteristic. Eliminating water from your lawn maintenance routine saves time, energy, and money. Waterless synthetic turf is the solution to any lawn, be it a residential yard or a commercial landscape area. Installing synthetic turf might sound easy, but there is a lot more to it than what meets the eye. You may think that installing synthetic turf is just throwing a slab of artificial grass on the top of natural grass, and you are good to go. If it were that easy, you would see every lawn outside your house looking all the same, green and luscious. It is easier said than done, and it usually takes only one day to complete depending on how much area you are trying cover. The installation requires at least two people to get the job done, but the more the better. You will also need the necessary tools and equipment to handle the job. Just like anything else, you have to measure out the area first and prep it before installing the artificial grass. The first thing to installing synthetic grass is to measure out the area, and set in the boundaries of where you want your synthetic grass to be. The next thing is to remove existing grass or ground from the area, using a lawn mower or digging. Now you want the area to be flat and even by using a flattening tool or roller. The reason why you are trying to make the surface as even and flat as possible is because once you lay the synthetic grass down, you don't want uneven surfaces when you walk or run on it. After you have finished flattening and evening up the surface, you are now ready to set the first layer of foundation for your synthetic turf. That first layer will consists of covering the dirt with decomposed rocks. At least one inch of rocks all around the area to create a concrete feel, because dirt itself won't remain even. You have to lay that first foundation for extra measures. Once you are done with that process, you are now ready to lay down the artificial grass. The artificial grass is installed just like installing carpet into your home. Lay the layers of synthetic turf evenly next to each other until you cover the whole area. You have to leave a little extra turf on the outside areas so they are tucked in for perfect and strong fitting, leaving no gaps. Now that the hard part is over with, you evenly distribute the infill into the synthetic grass. This will make sure the blades of the synthetic turf stand upright. This also gives the artificial grass cushion and comfort that acts if it were natural grass. Now the last question remains. How to maintain your new everlasting synthetic turf? Well the first thing is you barely have to maintain it. No more watering or mowing. With pets, not a problem, even with pet waste, it is easily removable without any signs of yellowing or residue. Like carpet just clean with a disinfectant, or one a turf company provides. Worried about it being worn out? It won't happen because synthetic grass is extremely durable. Soccer is the most popular international sport. Like other professional sports, soccer athletes are from different countries all over the world. However, soccer is the most recognized international sport. It is without a doubt that soccer has the highest fan base out of any sport in the world. That is why it is important that soccer players are offered the best synthetic turf to satisfy its players. Players like us know how important it is to play on a consistent surface and the feel underneath our feet to be able to cut quickly and move swiftly. We also know how crucial practice is for our games. Whether you are playing for fun or are in a league, you want to be able to play on a consistent basis. Sometimes natural grass is not the best solution especially after it rains because it is very difficult to move around because of the mud and puddles. Synthetic turf provides that alternative solution to your soccer wants and needs. It can provide you the dry surface even after it rains. When we talk about soccer at a professional level, its a more reason to believe that synthetic grass should be the ideal solution. The reason is because it takes a whole lot more money to maintain a professional natural grass field compared to artificial grass. Those maintenance services include mowing, watering, weeding, fertilizing, and painting. Have you ever wondered how natural grass fields are brought back to new? That is because it has to be repainted after every time the field is used, especially after heavy usage. All of these services can add up to a hefty and expensive bill. You can resolve that inconvenience by switching to synthetic turf. You will never have to repaint the field again, because with synthetic grass, the paint is permanent and does not rub off. The only thing you have to do in order to preserve, and maintain synthetic grass fields is to pick up loose debris and have it groomed every now and then. You will be spending a lot more time playing than maintaining, all year long. Soccer players need the fields to offer traction and stability, and artificial turf provides those characteristics. While traction and stability are important, it is also important for us to know that soccer is a contact sport just like basketball and football. With physical contact, come inevitable injuries. We all know the risk when playing any type of competitive sport. While natural grass offers that natural feel when making contact with the ground, synthetic grass can also imitate its natural characteristics to reduce injuries as well. Synthetic turf has pebble like granules called infill that act as an underneath layer to absorb the shock from beneath your foot, and provide cushion to the artificial turf for a natural feel. Additionally, it is also environmentally friendly, and has no harmful chemicals. With that said, synthetic turf can ultimately become the standard in sport fields for soccer players alike. Artificial grass lawns are the ideal alternative to natural lawns for households with any breed of dog. All artificial turf products on the market have been engineered specifically to withstand pet usage. There are several reasons why an artificial grass lawn is idyllic for families that own dogs. Dog kennels, dog hotels, and dog shows have adopted synthetic grass due to its pet-friendly nature. Several dog owners and households with dogs have also been pleased with artificial grass lawns for several reasons. Artificial grass products are composed of polypropylene and polyethylene. These components are then melted together and extruded into long yarn-like strands that are later tufted together. All of the materials used are nontoxic for all dogs. Should any part of the product be ingested, it will not pose a serious threat to any pet's life. Washed sand is used to help synthetic grass blades maintain its upright aesthetic, even after heavy usage. Even the largest dogs that try to dig through the grass are not able to puncture or ruin artificial turf because of its strong backing. Most synthetic grass products have warranties that last for up to 10 years, should any lawn become torn or defective. The latest artificial turf products have been made to look and feel just like a natural lawn. New technological breakthroughs in engineering have allowed the synthetic grass industry to create artificial grass products that closely resemble real grass. Your dog will be able to enjoy the comfort and feel of a natural yard. Dogs love the feel of synthetic grass, while owners do not have to worry about staining or discoloration found on real grass lawns. Maintaining a synthetic turf lawn with dogs is very simple. Pet waste and odors will never be a problem. This is because the revolutionary draining system allows liquids and pet urine to permeate through the surface of the turf, ensuring that it does not accumulate or flood. Pet urine, though very acidic in nature, does not eat away at the material of synthetic grass. Solid pet waste can simply be expelled by the use of a hose. Other small messes can be removed with household cleaners. If any debris or leaves pile upon artificial turf surfaces, they can simply be manually picked up or hosed off. Should the grass blades fail to maintain their upright aesthetic, a hard-bristled brush can be used to brush the blades in opposite directions to straighten them out. With an artificial grass lawn, there leaves no room for barren spots or discoloration. Dogs will not be able to dig through and kill grass. Muddy areas and are also preventable with synthetic grass lawns. With the lack of mud, you no longer have to worry about tracking noticeable paw prints on your porch and inside your house. Artificial grass proves to be the better lawn alternative for those with dogs as pets. Synthetic grass allows you to create a customized pet-friendly environment for your dog without the worry of heavy maintenance or health hazards. Are a person tired of cutting yard, weeding, edging and maintaining your own yard? Do you hate the thought of pulling up to a big rock garden in front of your house instead of a plush green lawn? Does the thought of fake lawns turn a person off? If you've answered yes to these questions, it's time for a person to take a look at the newest fake lawns, artificial yard and synthetic turf putting greens on the market today. Until a few years ago, there were very few choices for people searching for alternatives to live yards. There were only a few types of artificial grass available, and most of it was so bad looking that most people would be ashamed to put it in their yards. Some of that old synthetic yard material was even used by nearby miniature golf courses instead of green paint to simulate grass, but it was nowhere near as wide spread in make use of as it is today. Any time it was 1st developed, synthetic turf putting greens material was extremely expensive as well as the artificial lawn cost to do your complete yard would make that virtually impossible for the common residence owner to afford. Yet that was then, and also this is currently, any time the artificial lawn cost and also fake golf veggies are a lot more cost efficient when compared to a real lawn. When you are considering saving funds, synthetic turf putting greens acquire as a new funds saving idea on the cost of genuine bentgrass golf courses absolutely. You might not understand it until you maintain track, but property owners invest a whole lot of time keeping real live turf and real stay putting greens also. Standard mowing, bringing, and weeding are needed to help keep the yard seeking well maintained. Artificial turf and synthetic veggies on the some other hand, need almost no maintenance time in evaluation. You might want to invest a few moments eliminating debris from your fake lawn, nevertheless the quantity of time you will help save in comparison to real garden may possibly astound an individual. Due to the fact synthetic turf are so lower maintenance, they're a well liked option among older persons and folks who own getaway homes that have genuine grass lawns. A high level water conscious particular person, anyone most likely understand all of the water that's squandered on real lawn lawns. At the same time, the actual pesticides, herbicides, as well as fertilizers you may be utilizing to treat undesirable bugs, yellow-colored urine areas, or unattractive unwanted weeds might be hurting environmental surroundings also. Water shortages will also be the problem in numerous regions of the country, and also the using toxic chemicals is harmful to the health associated with water systems along with the neighborhood wildlife. Through selecting fake lawns, a great option to real grass grass, these possibly harmful as well as environmentally damaging methods could be eliminated. Well the same for synthetic turf putting greens in place of golfing turf. riginally designed in the late 1960's as a playground surface for urban school playgrounds in the USA, Astro Turf has stood the test of time. It's fame world wide was assured when it was the surface chosen for the new "super" sports dome in Houston which became known as the AstroDome. Still around 50 years later, but much improved, Astro Turf is now used in a wide range of applications, and has been adapted to suit a much more diverse range of sporting activities than was originally envisaged. Constant improvements by the manufacturers addressed issues such as the abrasiveness of the surface and puddles on areas of the turf caused by poor drainage. Now, synthetic turf has advanced so much that it looks and feels like natural grass without all the hassles that can come with high maintenance grassed areas. 21st Century uses for synthetic turf - Sports surfaces - tennis, bowls, hockey, netball, tennis, futsal, basketball, long jump and triple jump run-ups, handball courts, putting greens and more. - Domestic applications - lawns, pool surrounds, entertainment areas, patios and pergola areas. - Commercial property such as hotels, resorts, low rise office buildings. - As a temporary installation for a special event i.e. garden wedding. Traditional grassed surfaces are very difficult to maintain in our harsh environment as any cricket tragic will tell you. At about day three in a test match it was quite obvious how much damage had been done to the lawn grass by the bowlers.A grassed tennis court is just as difficult to keep in peak condition through a long and scorching summer. Enter Astro Turf: Qualities of latest generation synthetic turf - Underfoot comfort - soft and lush - Low maintenance - doesn't need watering or mowing - Pest resistant - no need to use pesticides - Natural look, feel and color - also UV colorfast - Choice of in-fill materials to suit the specific application - Resists stains and discolorations - Drains quickly after rain The synthetic turf being manufactured in 2009 is a world away from the original. The attention to quality in texture, variety of application, options for installation and ease of maintenance makes it the perfect surface for a time-poor, thirsty world. Until recent times the choice as to whether to use natural grass or artificial turf was a 50% proposition depending on how much water was available, maintenance needs, or amount of use it would get. The popularity of AstroTurf has been proved over a 50 year time span, and its uses and fans, continue to increase. The position you play in football is one of the main dealbreakers when you're choosing between styles of football cleats. The categories "molded," "detachable" and "turf" refer to which type of cleat is appropriate for different fields. We've talked about the recommendations for natural grasses, but we can't end the conversation without discussing synthetic grasses. Back in the '60s, they created this wonderful product called artificial turf. It was a no-maintenance, perpetually green playing surface that bore little to no resemblance to real turf. This short-pile synthetic turf slowly took over the world as clubs replaced their natural grass with no-maintenance surfaces. Some areas of the country still use it, either because it's tradition or because they can't afford to replace it. If you ever play on astro-type turfs, you absolutely need the short rubber nubs of a turf outsole like those found on the Nike Air Speed Destroyer or Nubby. The Delorean of fake sod was pretty and looked good on camera, but it was notorious for its unforgiving hardness and its devilish ability to cause rug burns. The manufacturers of synthetic turf put their thinking caps on and asked the question, "How can we make synthetic grass that actually feels like natural grass?" Thus was born modern synthetic grass. It has the length and consistency of natural grass with a softer, rubber-pellet infill that mimics the bounce of topsoil. It never needs to be mowed, and it's always green. It's softer to fall on, and if properly installed, it drains water away almost instantly. This "sport grass" is a dream to play on, unless you're wearing detachable cleats. Since this is a relatively new technology, a lot of the side effects have taken some time to come to the surface. One complaint that has been heard more and more often is that the mesh that the synthetic grass is woven into can cause detachable cleats to catch in the mesh and take down the player, or at the very least, cause ankle injuries because their momentum is going forward while their feet are stuck in the ground. Until they work out that flaw, we suggest that people playing on deep pile synthetic turf wear molded cleats that have a wider, more tapered stud. Molded cleats that have elongated, rudder-like studs are ideal. The Nike Shark line is a good example of this shape, as are the adidas Scorch Destroys and Corner Blitz and the Under Armour Hammer. Most of the molded cleats we recommend for this surface have rubber studs, not TPU studs, except for the Nike Merciless Shark, which has TPU studs that are configured so each stud pair works like a shovel. If you've read every article in this series, you are probably able to tell if you are wearing the right cleat. Choosing new cleats is a whole new level of complicated, but we try to make it easy for you at Eastbay. Next, we will explore an easy way to look at most of the cleats on the market today and see how they compare to each other and which ones are recommended for certain positions You have done everything to make your resort property profitable. Still, you know more can be done. When you have done everything possible to improve a property inside, it's time to look outside. Synthetic turf will keep your lawn looking great without having to break your back - or the bank - to keep your property in top shape. Synthetic turf is a popular alternative for many resorts. It is used for general use, play areas, and countless other areas. Despite its cost effectiveness and beauty, buying artificial grass may not have been what some resort developers considered in the past because of the allure of natural grass. Understanding the benefits and features of artificial turf is important to making an informed decision. Here are three of many factors to consider when looking to add synthetic turf that improves the value - and lowers the cost - of maintaining a resort property. Research the Product A main priority for owners is finding attractive grass. To begin the research process, ask for samples and compare them. Find products that use natural colors with the appearance of real grass blades. It is essential that any option resembles the many layers of natural grass. The more dense the product is, the better. Most synthetic grass products use some form of infill to help support the blades. Infill is made of fine particles of rubber, sand, or a combination of the two. The denser the grass structure, the less need for the infill - and the more lush the appearance. A thick, premium backing is necessary to protect from the abrasiveness of the stone layer below and prohibits blade breakdown below the surface. Ask the Right Questions It's important to know the right questions to ask when it comes to buying artificial grass. A comprehensive system for installing the product is necessary so the installation can then be tailored to the specific needs of your property. Ask questions about what is used for base materials, seaming, and grass attachment methods. Every property is unique and offers a multitude of solutions. Initial installation is only the beginning. Selecting the right synthetic turf is a partnership, and asking the right questions helps build trust. Understand the Benefits Synthetic grass means: no more weeds no worn paths where people walk no mud when the weather is uncooperative no more difficult places to mow Choosing synthetic grass can enhance design and positively impact a resort's bottom line, all while remaining lush and colorful all year-round. If you were to ask a student what it is they liked most about school many will say sports and hanging out with friends. Sports and recreation play a big role in all students' school lives and can have a lasting impact for the rest of their lives. While sports many years ago was traditionally played on natural grass or concrete the thinking used to be that Synthetic Turf surfaces were not as safe as natural grass to play on as they were more likely to lead to minor injuries such as bruises or knee injuries. These days, thanks to modern technology and improved installation techniques, not only is Artificial Grass easier to maintain, looks good and creates a safe, sustainable environment, it has also been proven through recent studies that Synthetic Grass injury rates are now lower than natural surfaces. Here are some more reasons why Synthetic Turf is worthwhile considering for schools · No Watering · No Mowing · No Fertilizer · No Weeding · It Doesn't get muddy when it rains · It can be used 24/7, 365 days a year The economical and environmental impact on using Artificial Grass is obvious when you think about how much water will be saved each year and how much less pollution will go into the atmosphere from lawn mower exhausts and poisons that are used to kill the weeds. Another great feature of artificial grass is that if the weather conditions aren't favorable you can rest assured that as soon as it passes you can get right back out onto it and enjoy your favorite activities again - all year round. Other studies have also shown that schools and public places that have converted from natural grass to Artificial Grass have an increased usage of up to 300% due to there being almost no down time for poor quality surfaces. This is especially true for cities that experience extreme temperature conditions such as long-hot summer months or very wet seasons. Synthetic turf has been in use for many years but it is only recently that new advances in the way it's manufactured has brought renewed interest in this product. With improvements in manufacturing and the focus being on usability and longevity the advantages of having synthetic turf are vast. If your playground or lawned sports areas are hard to maintain, have dark spots or just look plain unsightly then using artificial turf could be an easy way to solve the challenges. Imagine never having to water, weed or mow the unsightly areas again.
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