Artificial Imagination: Deconstructing Style

The Artist


Hello there, my name is Kristoffer Concepcion. Most people know me as Kris. Not much a fan of writing about myself in the third person, so here's a more personal self-description:

I am a mostly self-taught (meaning from YouTube tutorials, advice from others, and observation) digital artist who later developed an interest in emergent technologies such as AI, especially in how the two interface. However, there has always been a life-long interest in bridging art with academia, owing to my previous major as a bioengineer.

I am extremely passionate about how we use technology to assist us in our artistic journeys and pursuits, and how it fulfills us on a personal level. Always a believer in experimentations, I am motivated by solving issues at the personal level and how our personal struggles contribute to how we carry ourselves not just artistically, but wholly as individuals.

If I can solve problems personal to me, and I consider myself part of the set of all people, then surely sharing those struggles and triumphs may help others, no?

So join me on my journey of blazing my own path, using technology to assist me on my explorations. I hope to solve issues related to such topics such as: