Check-in Questions For You and Your Partner

Crisis-related Questions

  • How are you feeling?
  • How has your life changed due to the coronavirus?
  • What have been your biggest struggles and concerns?
  • How do you find calm in difficult moments?
  • What makes you feel close to your community?
  • Could you describe a time when someone showed you an unexpected act of kindness?
  • Have you experienced any silver linings in the disruption?
  • What's the first thing you want to do when the crisis is over?

Crisis-Unrelated Questions

  • How are your family/friends doing?
  • Tell me about something positive or funny that happened to you recently?
  • What have you been watching/reading/listening to? Any recommandations?
  • Have you been cooking your own food or eating out? What's your go-to recipe/restaurant?
  • If you were to care for a baby animal, what would you want it to be? Why?