

*** Please note the purpose is not to replicate Szyk's method of artistry but to use his art as inspiration, as a place to jump off from. Your art can take a myriad of forms. ***

Title (in italics)

Medium, (i.e. pen, crayon, pencil, mixed media etc.), Size (height before width)

Date (year)


Media: Mixed media, Digital photography, Drawing, Collage, Sculpture, Printmaking, Painting.


Size Limit, 2 dimensional art (photography, drawing, mixed media, painting, collage) is to be no larger than 40x60”, and 3 dimensional art (sculpture) maximum size is 20x30x10”.



File Size is between: 5MB - 40MB

DPI is between: 72 DPI - 300 DPI


With your submission, you will be asked to explain the inspiration and purpose behind your work.