"Tapestry of Tales" is Natalia's arts-based research project that combines the art of biographical storytelling with the joy of language learning. Specifically tailored for older immigrants, it weaves together personal narratives and language acquisition, creating a rich tapestry of cultural exchange and fostering meaningful connections within diverse communities. Additionally, the "Tapestry of Tales" research project seeks to understand the impact of biographical storytelling on the language acquisition process among older immigrants. By exploring how personal narratives can enhance language learning experiences, the project aims to uncover effective strategies and insights that can support this unique population in their linguistic journey. 

SOUNDSCAPing the cultural and linguistic lives of the city

Using a sound walking methodology (SWM), Yecid Ortega seeks to create conscious awareness about the languages and cultures that inhabit the cities. From a pluriversal politics epistemological stance cities are not concrete monoliths but sentient beings in which communities celebrate their diverse identities.

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Reconfiguring the Learning Spaces of Elementary Online Technology-Enhanced Classrooms

Melanie’s ethnographic case study research explores the learning experiences of grade 4 students in an online technology-enhanced classroom. She has incorporated opportunities during focus group interviews with student participants to engage in Collaborative Creative Inquiry. This research extends on Melanie’s continued research in technology-enhanced classrooms.

Participatory economic approaches in global health evaluations

Meghan's collaborative creative inquiry project aims to integrate participatory and economic evaluation approaches in global health. By doing so, Meghan addresses limitations in current practices. This integration prioritizes economic considerations in patient treatment adherence, centring service users and driving equity in high-quality healthcare. Additionally, it generates context-specific and applied evaluation outputs, meeting policymakers' demand for locally relevant evidence. Lastly, by responding to the complexity of system-level interventions, Meghan strives to achieve meaningful universal health coverage and address structural barriers to equity.


Artem Research Collective is currently working on this project that explores how to understand the spaces we live in and share this knowledge with others. Our inquiry process has included discussing and reflecting on our physical safe and brave spaces in which we can be our own, exercise our identities, and feel cared for. Using a photo/text voice narrative approach we share the stories behind these spaces and how these become relational to our personal and professional experiences.

creative teaching competencies for all

Artem Research Collective is currently in the initial stages of developing a project which focuses on creating strategies to better support pre-service and in-service teachers to gain the pedagogical competencies to help families and students with an immigrant, refugee and asylum seeking background (FaSIRAS) to navigate the health and education systems in the places they live. More specifically the following project will field test Collaborative Creative Inquiry. It is an interdisciplinary collaboration with teacher education programs at 4 universities (2 in Canada and the 2 UK).