About Artbotics
In the Artbotics project, the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) is using project-based learning to introduce students to computing. Student projects use low-cost robotics technology for embedded control. UML undergraduates from outside the major are recruited into a new course, Artbotics, which introduces computer science using our materials in a project-based context. This community context dispels the notion of the asocial programmer, and provides positive, realistic experiences in teamwork, design, and programming.
 Students learn that computing can be used in a variety of ways as a part of many disciplines.
The goals of the program are to:
Increase the participation of women and minorities in computing through the use of innovative and interactive technologies
Broaden student understanding of the field of computing
Build community with mentoring opportunities for students
Artbotics is supported by the National Science Foundation (CNS-0540564 and CNS-0837739), as part of the Broadening Participation in Computing program.
Artbotics publications:
Hyun Ju Kim, Diana Coluntino, Fred G. Martin, Linda Silka and Holly A. Yanco. Artbotics: Community-Based Collaborative Art and Technology Education. Educations Program paper presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2007, The 34th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, San Diego, CA. August 2007.
Fred Martin, Hyun Ju Kim, Linda Silka, Holly Yanco, and Diana Coluntino. Artbotics: Challenges and Opportunities for Multi-Disciplinary, Community-Based Learning in Computer Science, Robotics, and Art. Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Research in Robots for Education at the Robotics Science and Systems Conference, Atlanta, GA. July 2007.
Linda Silka, Hyan Ju Kim, Fred Martin, Holly Yanco, Jerry Beck, Diana Coluntino and Diane Testa. Artbotics: The Challenge of New Partnerships. Presented at the CITA International Conference on Community-University Partnerships: How Do We Achieve the Promise, Lowell, MA, April 2007.
Holly A. Yanco, Hyun Ju Kim, Fred Martin and Linda Silka. Artbotics: Combining Art and Robotics to Broaden Participation in Computing. Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Robots and Robot Venues: Resources for AI Education, March 2007.