
Sander Van de Cruys (University of Antwerp)

Preferences Need Inferences

Blanca T. M. Spee (University of Vienna; Radboud University Medical Center)

Art as Hypotheses-Exploring Game Space: An Enactive Predictive Processing Perspective on Art Engagement

María Jimena Clavel Vázquez (University of Tartu)

The Rhythm of the Eye: Expectations, Imagination, and Aesthetic Perception

Mathijs Tratsaert (independent scholar)

Integrating Decorum with Predictive Processing Accounts of Visual Art and Vision

Ladislav Kesner (Masaryk University, Brno; National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany)

A ‘Hole in a Cardboard ́ and Bayesian Brain. Misunderstanding of Modern Art in Light of the Predictive Processing Paradigm

Karl J. Friston (Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL)

In the I of the Beholder

Mark Miller (Hokkaido University)

The Joy of Horror Films: Active Inference, Aesthetic Pleasure and the Paradox of Horror

Max Jones (University of Bristol) and

Sam Wilkinson (University of Exeter)

Creative Imagination in the Enculturated Predictive Mind

Federico Pianzola (University of Milano-Bicocca) and

Karin Kukkonen (University of Oslo)

Presence and Narrative Absorption: A New Integrated Model based on Predictive Processing

Diana Omigie (Goldsmiths, University of London)

'That the Attention Not Be Suffered to Dwell Too Long': Or Why We Value Information in Music

Pietro Sarasso (University of Turin)

To Feel or Flee? A Perceptual Learning Hypothesis for Aesthetic Appreciation

Iris Mencke (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics)

Exploration Revisited – New Music as a Model for Exploratory Behavior Under High Uncertainty Conditions

Renee Timmers (University of Sheffield)

Using Bayes’ Rule to Model Emotional and Multisensory Associations with Music

Peter Vuust (Center for Music in the Brain; Aarhus University; Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus)

Groove on the Brain: Predictive Coding of Music