Senior Member (Professor): Harvard University / MIT IAiFi | Professor of Pure Mathematics: Beijing Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) | International Associate Member: Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic forms HSE | Senior personnel (Professor): Harvard University Center for Mathematical Sciences and Applications (CMSA), Homological Mirror Symmetry Collaboration Program.
My Harvard website: Weblink
My BIMSA website: Weblink
Algebraic Geometry group at BIMSA: Weblink
Birational Geometry Group at YMSC / Tsinghua: Weblink
Contact Email: asheshmani (at) fas (dot) harvard (dot) edu
artan (dot) sheshmani (at) gmail (dot) com
artan (at) mit (dot) edu
Erdős number = 3, Einstein number = 4.
I am a Professor of pure Mathematics, specialized in Algebraic geometry, Enumerative and Derived Geometry, and Mathematics of String Theory. I am a Full Professor at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications in Beijing, as well as a senior personnel (Professor) at Simons Collaboration Program on Homological Mirror Symmetry at Harvard University Center for Mathematical Sciences and Applications (CMSA), and an Affiliate Faculty Member at Harvard University- MIT IAiFi (Institute for Articial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions). Between 2020 and 2023, I jointly held the visiting professor position at Institute for the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas at University of Miami, where I was part of the research collaboration program on "Hodge theory and its applications". During the past 5 years while at Harvard CMSA I have been a visiting professor at Harvard Physics department (2020-2021), and an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Institut for Mathematik (formerly the Center for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces) at Aarhus University in Denmark (2016-2022). My work is mainly focused on Gromov Witten theory, Donaldson Thomas theory, Calabi-Yau geometries, and mathematical aspects of String theory. I study geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves and curves on Calabi Yau spaces, some of which arise in the study of mathematics of string theory. In my research I have worked on understanding dualities between geometry of such moduli spaces over complex varieties of dimension 2,3,4 and currently I am working on extension of these projects from derived geometry and geometric representation theory point of view. In joint work with Shing-Tung Yau (BIMSA, YMSC, Tsinghua, Harvard Math, Harvard CMSA, and Harvard Physics departments), Cody Long (Harvard Physics), and Cumrun Vafa (Harvard Math and Physics departments) I worked on geometry moduli spaces of sheaves with non-homolomorphic support and their associated non-BPS (non-holomorphic) counting invariants. In 2019 I recieved IRFD "Research Leader" grant (approx $1M) on my project "Embedded surfaces, dualities and quantum number theory". The project was additionally co-financed by Harvard University CMSA (Approx total. $400K). Detail of IRFD "Research Leader" grant ($1M).