Conference Sessions 

On-demand Sessions 

Surface Solutions 

Bill Botten, Accessibility Trainer, and Consultant 

Take time to learn the standards and guidelines for outdoor spaces. Using the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design for Title II and Title III, this presentation takes you through site arrival, accessible routes, and the specifics of surface characteristics that public gardens, museums, outdoor performing arts organization should pay attention to. This presentation discusses key research projects that will help inform your organizations’ decision on what surfaces are beneficial to your visitors and the climate.  

Disability History in Public Space 

Nicole Belolan, Consulting Public Historian, and Independent Scholar 

Rachel D’Agostino, Curator of Printed Books- The Library Company of Philadelphia 

Petra Kuppers, Anita Gonzalez Collegiate Professor of Performance and Disability Culture- University of Michigan 

Perri Meldon, Park History Fellow- National Park Service 

How are we presenting disability history now, how have we presented it in the past, and how do we want to present it in the future? In this roundtable discussion, panelists shared experiences interpreting disability history in museums, libraries, and online, in terms of both content and accessibility. Covering a range of topics such as: how they identified collaborators and supporters, how and why they work with the disability community (and what that means), the ways they approach behind-the-scenes work versus creating public-facing products, and the  reception of the work they have done. They conclude with a discussion about what they need to build even better spaces for sharing disability history in public.  

Accessible Programming for Long Take @ ICA 

Centering the disability experience, Carolyn Lazard’s Long Take was exhibited at The Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania this past spring of 2023. Join the program and visitor service team as they discuss the successes, growing pains, and access goals they experienced during the run of this exhibition. How did visitors respond to a dance performance without the physical live dancer at a contemporary art space? How has the organization listened to the community feedback? And what is the future of the aesthetics of accessibility? 

Beyond WCAG- Tamman Accessibility House Rules 

Liza Grant, Document Accessibility Specialist- Tamman, Inc. 

Martin Molloy, President- Tamman, Inc.  

Many accessibility guidelines are simply a baseline that leaves many topic holes open for debate. The purpose of the TAHR (our in-house accessibility guide) is to provide researched,  well-reasoned judgment calls on issues that either lack clarity or may be in conflict. Not an instruction book, the TAHR provides guidance for the art behind the science of digital  accessibility. In addition to examples from the TAHR, members of our accessibility team will give a high-level overview of how you too can create your own in-house guidelines.