Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself? Take those thoughts that come to you the moment you wake up in the morning. You have not originated them, but they start talking to you, they bring back the problems of yesterday, etc.

Edit: Wow, thanks a tonne for your responses. I promise I'm gonna listen to each one of these one by one. Putting all these recs in this loooong spotify playlist for ease of access, just in case anybody else is in the need of a good fucking eyesweat session!

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That was a great prayer. You are quite gifted with words. I wish I could capture all my thoughts like that in a coherent manner. Sadly my prayer journal is never filled, just my head with lots of jumbled thoughts. I am thankful that God can understand that too, but admire your gift.

Happy New Year

I love the way you can touch me with your words.

My prayer for this new year is keep God with me every step of the way. Whether it be to lose weight or to be a better wife/mom or just be Jesus to everyone I meet! We all share a loving Heavenly Father and I pray the whole world can know the warm comfort that his love is for us!

Unsettle me! I lose sight sometimes because I too am always on task. My goal this year is to work on all my relationships, not to exclude the one with myself, which I certainly struggle with. Thank you for sharing your prayer.

I really like your prayer. Took a deep breath and said it with you. I hesitated at first, I think it this type of prayer takes a deep courage to surrender all our what we think as strong self defenses and be vulnerable, naked in front of God. I would rather find that fig leaf, LOL

I have struggled with my weight all my adult life. I use food to satisfy needs. My weight is up and down and it is so dissatisfying. My prayer is to no longer use food as a pacifier and to try to stop thinking I am not good enough. I have wanted to read your book!

Thank you for sharing your heart! You are such a Godly inspiration. My prayer for the year ahead is to follow where God leads and show others random kindness all 12 months of the year. It can be so easy to become distracted with my own plan for my life, but I know God has great things in store for me!

I always seem to read your posts & emails at the exact moment I need to hear those words! Would love to read your book, Made to Crave. Praying that I can continue my efforts to slow down in 2015 & savor each day with my 5, 3 & 1 yr old!

I am praying for God to expose to me HIS will for my life. That I stay strong in my walk with Him, and do not look to my left our to my right. Additionally, that people will see Christ light in me. I think your book would be a big help in keeping me craving God.

My prayer for 2015 is not only to unsettle me but to let go and let God! I am recently retired after teaching 40 years and searching for my new normal and best yes! Just read your book in our Bible study this fall with Karen Ehman! Loved it and praying about retreading it again with some of my former teacher friends and moms! Happy New Year and thanks for

your words of wisdom on a daily basis!

As I can relate to this, struggling with the long road ahead of losing weight, my prayer would be that I can give my burden to the Lord and let him work with in me to accomplish the weight loss! I need it for myself and my health, so that my daughter may have a mother full of life! Thank you for your words of encouragement!

I have been blessed by Made To Crave. My church hosted a Sunday morning study of the book and I was so scared to join, but I went and I was MOVED. I have lost 20 pounds and I have volunteered to help facilitate the class again starting next month. I pray the Lord will use the peace and victory I have found to help other ladies find victory over this issue. Thank you for sharing your victory with me.

I have wanted to read this book for a long time. I have struggled with my weight ever since giving birth to my oldest of six. I lose weight only to see it climb back on when life his me in the face. I eat out of stress and I never used to. Would love to read about your journey!

Dear Heavenly Father, help me this New Year to have your strength and discipline. Help me to have the right attitude toward food and exercise, both spiritual and physical. Give me discernment and help me to make wise decisions concerning my health and diet. Help me to care for my body, your temple. I am weak but you are strong. You, Lord, are my hope, my strength, my refuge, and only with your help can I do anything. With you ALL things are possible and I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus who overcomes all and is victorious! Thank you Lord for victory in 2015! I love you! Amen.

Lysa, I love the prayer that you said, I can totally relate to the way you felt at that time. I have been feeling those feelings of inadequacy, failure and total defeat when it comes to weight loss for many years. I am now 49 and 30 pounds over weight, have high blood pressure and just feel drained all the time! I need to take the weight off for my health and fitness. I am going to read your book with the hope that I can find a new way to look at this weight loss battle and some help to finally be victorious over this cycle of yo yo dieting, weight-loss and gain. I pray I will draw nearer to God in the process and replace unhealthy eating and negative thoughts with more of his presence in me and my life!

This is a GREAT book! I can relate to so many things in this book and it was so encouraging to know there are other women who have the same struggles as I do with food. I have wondered many times why God made me prone to gain weight and have high cholesterol yet I have such a love for food. But I know

He can and will give you the desires of your heart and He will take away desires you wish to give to Him. I plan on lending my book to others who may have same struggles. Thanks for your life stories that encourage and uplift! ?

My prayer for 2015 is for Gods will in my and my families lives, for God to reveal weaknesses and strengths to be used and changed. Thank you for your encouraging words in regards to something most women struggle with.

Thank you for your honesty. I have struggled for years with my weight. It has become a stronghold in my life. I am praying daily for God to help me break down the stronghold and be filled with Him. Your words are so encouraging and just what I needed as I begin this journey in 2015!

as a mother of a four year old, fixing to turn thirty this coming Friday, my desire in life is to be healthy in order to live and see my child grow old. Currently I am going through a seperate on with my husband of 6 years; this year I desire to become healthy because God wants me that way, not for anyone else. I need to be healthy for my son but most importantly for my Lord and Savior who made me in His perfect image. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. I desire for my husband to come home to us and we grow closer to the Lord as a family.

Heavenly Father,

Empty me of me and fill me up with more of You. Forgive me for making food an idol and for spending more time thinking about food, weight, appearance, etc than I spend meditating on Your word. I lay my insecurties, shame, and fears at your feet, Lord Jesus. Have Your way with me. I am tired of trying to keep it all together on my own. You are the only One that can mend the pieces of my heart and so I give each of them to You. I thank You for paying my debt on the cross and trading places with me so that I can live life to the fullest. In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus I pray! Amen!

Lisa, your post hit a nerve! It spoke to me as if I were writing it. I have struggled with living a healthy lifestyle & more importantly I struggle with making time each day to spend in the word. The excuses I can come up with & the fact that my priorities are not in order like they should be have only brought me down. 2015 is going to be different & I pray also that the Lord unsettle me.

Thank you Lysa!

Lisa, your prayer is beautiful. I too have weight issues and self esteem issues. I do not have a wonderful prayer to give you, to be honest I will copy your prayer and use it for me. I have never had a way with words, I find it hard to put my feelings out, either on paper or verbally. Here goes : Dear Heavenly Father, Here I am once again asking for your help. Please help me to not eat that cookie or the second piece of toast. I know that I am made in your image and that you are perfect. My father, I am far from perfect and I know I never will be. Please reach down and help me to change. Thank You, my Father.

lord, I come to you with an unbridled heart. Seeking your will in all that I am, all that you see in me. Pour out your abundant Spirit in the corners and crevices of my soul filling my deepest needs and quieting my deepest fears. For only You are enough. It has always been You, only You. God bless these precious women the mirrors of your heart.

Dear Lord you know this past year I was told I am now pre diabetic. Please help me Lord to seek you first, take time to take care of myself, make better food choices. Be with me in the grocery store that I will purchase the items my body needs to improve my health. Lord I enjoyed walking so much before but now with my boys busy sports schedules I the mom am the first to let my needs go first. Heavenly Father I know all things are possible with you and with your help I can turn myself around and get into better health and kick pre diabetes out. I do not want diabetes I know I can do this a few years ago I lost several pounds and I can do it again. Please give me strength and Courage Lord In your Precious Name I pray Amen

Thanks for sharing. This year I to am trying to get it together, goals include keeping up with reading the bible in a year plan, my goal is to get through it at least once, between reading your blog and some others, I am learning so much about God and putting my needs, wants,cares concerns at his feet, while listening to his words for answers. This book will continue my journey as I truly crave his approval and word. ff782bc1db

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