Slung Support

For any and all questions, please contact me at


Is Slung available on iPhone/Android?

Yes, Slung is listed as "Slung!" on the iOS App Store for iPhone and iPad as well as the Google Play Store for Android phones and tablets.

Is Slung available on PC or other platforms?

No, there are currently no plans to port Slung to other platforms.

Does Slung collect any of my personal information?

No, but Unity may collect non-personal information. Please refer to the privacy policy for more information.

How does Slung make money?

It doesn't. You can support me at

Slung Description:

Slung is a fast-paced casual slingshot game! Pop the bubbles before they touch the ground!


- Intuitive gameplay for anyone

- Difficult to master

- Satisfying synth sound effects

- Pastel rainbows