Healthy mind leads to Incredible innovations.

May 2023 ---UKAN+ Early Career Acoustic Champion

Oct 2021-present:  Research Fellow A, CVSSP,

 + Sustainability Fellow at the Institute for Sustainability, University of Surrey, UK. 

2016-2021: PhD Scholar, MANAS LAB, IIT Mandi, India. Worked with Dr. Padmanabhan Rajan and Dr. Arnav Bhavsar

Sep 2019-April 2020: Graduate Research Intern, Intel Bangalore.

August 2015- July 2016: Project Fellow, CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh

Dec 2015-July 2016: Intern, CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh

Jan 2013-July 2013: Intern, NITTTR Chandigarh.

Research Interest:   Audio scene analysis, Neural networks, Signal processing, Dictionary learning, CNN Compression.

Personal:  Travelling, dancing (Bhangra, punjabi folk dance), photography, teaching, trekking.

IEEE AcSIR-CSIO AI-ML invited talk on Sounds and ML
WISSAP 2019 Budding researcher talk

*All the pics except in which I appear :) are clicked by me.