Welcome to my research website.

I am an Associate Professor at the LUSSI department of IMT Atlantique (former ENST Bretagne).

I obtained my PhD in Economics in November 2019 at Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Télécom Paris, under the supervision of Marc Bourreau. I worked for the Governance and Regulation Chair of Paris Dauphine University as a post-doctoral researcher until September 2020. I hold two master degrees, one in Information Systems Engineering (Institut Mines Télécom BS) and one in Network Industries and Digital Economy (Paris Dauphine University).

My research interests span the field of Economics of Information Security, Digital Markets and Digital Economy. I am especially interested in understanding how the characteristics of a market, the interactions between different actors and their incentives influence cybersecurity and privacy issues. In my PhD thesis, I focused on the interactions between different cybersecurity stakeholders (software vendors, users, security firms, white-hat hackers, etc.) and the provision of software security. I am also interested in emerging markets related to information security and privacy (e.g. bug bounty platforms, consent management providers...).

In my work, I mostly do empirical analysis using quantitative tools.

Before entering academia I had a varied consulting and auditing career in Information System Management for insurance and banking industry.

I continue to be part of the program committee of the annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS). I am also a member of the French Association for Research in Digital Economics (AFREN) and MARSOUIN, the main scientific interest group on digitization of Britany.