HWB Unsolved 24234

HWB Unsolved 24234

ID #: 24234

Name: HWB Unsolved

Gender: Female

Sub-Species: 100% CLASSIC SHEDU CAT

Body Type: Slim

Mane type: Classic

Tail type: Classic

Ears type: Classic

Coat type: Classic

Head type: Classic

Sabers: n/a

Special traits: n/a

Height: 184 cm

Coat color:


Panda siam brown with pangare, belly roan, and tiger pattern -3

Health: Healthy

Percentage and level of inbreeding: 0%

Line: Ramses

Line bonus: +3 Speed, +2 Agility

Familia: n/a

Familia bonus: n/a

Breeder + Origin: TwiggyARPG + litter

Owner: ChickenBlitz13

AP Total: 17.5

AP Count: 4 AP
Simplified HS- 0

Simple lineart- 1

Standard shading- 1

Flat color- 1

AP Count: 6.5 AP

Simplified FB- 0.5

Simple BG- 0.5

Simple lineart- 1

Simple shading- 0.5

Flat color- 1

SPC- 3

AP Count: 7

Simplified FB- 0.5

Simple BG- 0.5
Simple lineart- 1
Simple shading- 0.5

Flat color- 1

Handler simple: 0.5