Hi, I am Arpan, a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science at  the National University of Singapore, advised by Prof Jonathan Scarlett.

My research interest lies at the confluence of artificial intelligence and causality, and how causality can help in progressing towards "trustworthy" machine learning (often used to denote a combination of desirable qualities such as robust, fair, interpretable, privacy-preserving).

I am also interested in bandit algorithms and safe Bayesian optimization techniques, and am currently exploring how these can be used to improve the design of adaptive clinical trials

Academic and Work Experience

Publications and Patents

Arpan Losalka, Jonathan Scarlett  |  Paper
Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 238:3232-3240

Arpan Losalka, Jonathan Scarlett  |  Paper
Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, PMLR 216:1304-1314

Ilija Bogunovic, Arpan Losalka, Andreas Krause, Jonathan Scarlett  |  Paper  Video

Proceedings of The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 130:991-999

Arpan Losalka, Diptikalyan Saha  |  Patent

US Patent 10,984,198

Partha Ghosh, Arpan Losalka, Michael J Black  |  Paper  |  Video  |  Blog Post

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 541-548

Arnav Acharyya, Arpan Losalka, Pravir Singh Gupta and Ganapati Panda  |  Paper

Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2011) December 20-22, 2011

Projects and Achievements

with Prof Jonathan Scarlett, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, NUS

with Prof Jonathan Scarlett, NUS and Prof Ilija Bogunovich, EEE, University College London

Selected among top 180 applicants for attending the Machine Learning Summer School

for the duration of PhD at NUS

Received the award for excellence in teaching (only 11 PhD students selected for the award)

Placed on the Honor List of Student Tutors for the Academic Year 2021-22 and 2022-23

Received the awards in recognition of research contributions (Academic Year 2023-24)

with Dr. Diptikalyan Saha, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Research AI

Received the award twice during my tenure at IBM Research AI

with Dr. Ravi Kothari, then Chief Scientist, IBM India Research Lab

with Prof C.A. Murthy, Machine Intelligence Unit, ISI Calcutta and Dr. Ravi Kothari, then Chief Scientist, IBM India Research Lab

Received the award in all semesters at ISI Calcutta

with Dr. Ravi Kothari, then Chief Scientist, IBM India Research Lab

with Prof. Ganapati Panda, then Head of School, School of Electrical Sciences and Deputy Director, IIT Bhubaneswar

with Prof. Karen Payton, now retired, UMass Dartmouth Professor Emerita

ISI Entrance Exam (B.Math): selected among top 128 nationally (2009)

CMI Entrace Exam (B.Sc): selected among top 50 nationally (2009)

Secondary Exam (WBBSE): ranked 4th at state level in West Bengal, received Mamraj Agarwal National Award, The Telegraph School Award for Excellence, invited to participate in in the CSIR Programme on Youth for Leadership in Science (2007)


Please reach out to me at arpan [at] comp {dot} followed by nus (dot) edu <dot> sg