Welcome to my personal Homepage!
I'm an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at KU Leuven in Leuven, Belgium.
My research focuses on complex analysis, in particular on orthogonal polynomials and related extremal problems. In addition I'm interested in applications to eigenvalues of (non-Hermitian) random matrices and to zeros of random polynomials. Curiously, both these 2D random point processes can be thought of as systems of charged particles with a Coulomb interaction, leading to fruitful connections to statistical mechanics.
Upcoming Events
June 2025: Conference on Operator Theory and Complex Analysis, Lund, Sweden
August 2025: Log-gases in Caeli Australi: Recent Developments in and around Random Matrix Theory, Melbourne, Australia
Aron Wennman
Department of Mathematics
KU Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200B
Email: aron.wennman@kuleuven.be
Phone: (+46)708-398513