Ph.D. Dissertations
Justin Royer. 2022. McGill. Co-advisor (with Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Jessica Coon)
Elements of (in)definiteness and binding: a Mayan perspective (thesis)
Mathieu Paillé. 2022. McGill. Committee member
Strengthening predicates (thesis)
Ph.D. evaluation papers
Justin Royer. 2019. McGill. Co-advisor (with Jessica Coon)
The role of noun classifiers in the composition of the Chuj DP
Masashi Harada. 2019. McGill. Co-advisor (with Junko Shimoyama)
Context-dependent case connectivity effects in Japanese copular constructions
M.A. theses
Jason Borga. 2019. McGill. Co-advisor (with Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Bernhard Schwarz)
Sluicing and tolerable mismatches
Spring 2022, Advanced issues in syntax and semantics (undergraduate, HUJI)
Topic: the semantics of questions (1 of 3 modules, = 8 lectures) (syllabus)
Spring 2020, Seminar (graduate, HUJI)
Topic: the syntax and semantics of only
Fall 2019-Spring 2020, Proseminar (graduate, HUJI)
Topic: modularity and the interfaces (syllabus)
Co-taught with David Kashtan
Spring 2018, Semantics 4, LING 665 (graduate, McGill)
Topic: Focus, modals, and their interactions (syllabus)
Co-taught with Luis Alonso-Ovalle
Spring 2015, Introduction to Linguistics, 24.900 (undergraduate, MIT)
As TA. Instructor: Sabine Iatridou
Website: (materials password protected)
Fall 2013, Introduction to Semantics, 24.970 (graduate, MIT)
As TA. Instructor: Martin Hackl
Website: (materials password protected)
Summer 2011, Prosody in the lab (LSA Summer Institute, UC Boulder)
As TA. Instructor: Michael Wagner
McGill lecture series (Nov. 2017)
Topic: cross-categorial operators
Handout 1: The Semantic Inflexibility Hypothesis
Handout 2: Apparent nominal conjunction
Handout 3: Focus operators
Handout 4: Deriving the SIH
Outreach courses
Summer 2013, Introduction to Linguistics (MIT High School Studies Program)
7-week course for high school students
Co-taught with Miriam Nussbaum
Spring 2013, Introduction to Linguistics (MIT High School Studies Program)
7-week course for high school students
Co-taught with Ruth Brillman, Coppe van Urk