

I would say I've borrowed this hobby from my grand pap and dad. They had not only cameras. They also had a special equipment to print phots from film at home. In my early childhood from time tot time we spend evenings printing photos. I do remember dim red light and photos hanged on the wire.

I've bought my first film camera in 2002 but the films was not cheap and I was very impatient. It was difficult for my to wait for the moment when the film would be developed. In a year I've bought a digital camera (Nikon CoolPix 2000) and I changed it on Canon PowerShot A70 in a year later. Since that time, I've changed more several cameras and now I'm quite happy with Canon Retina 4i. I can't say I've made tones of brilliant photos but a lot of friends of mine told me that they like the way I catch mood and emotions. I captured moments during all events in my daughter's kindergarten group and home parties as well. Thankfulness from kids' parents inspired me although it took a lot of time. Later, I've completed course from NY Institute of Photography and got the Certificate.

You can find some of my photos on Viewbug.com, fotokto.ru and others.


I've got my first education in the College of IT. We studied Math, physics, CS and electronics. We had a lot of fun developing PCB boards on PDP-11. It was not easy period of time in Russia those days and I saw no way to apply my knowledges in this area. So, I've decided to complete my education in CS and leave electronics for a hobby.

Now, when I have time, I like to develop something to make my home smart or just to have a fun. There are a lot of similar projects in internet, so I don't see the reason to explain the code and schemes.

  • Check the temperature/humidity in the room from anywhere (DHT11, ESP-01, MQTT protocol).

  • Display temperature/humidity (DHT11, display)