1. Anusha, S., Merisha, A., Priya, M.S., Abisha,D., Udhaya, U. & Arokya Glory, P.T., 2013. “Physical, Chemical and Microbial analysis of some commercially available bottled drinking water”, Crossian Resonance 4 (2): 180-191.

2. Arokya Glory, P.T., Sr. Basil Rose, M.R., Salbin Sheeba & Josephine Priyatharsini, C., 2016. “Identification and partial characterization of a naturally occurring hemagglutinin in the hemolymph of a pill millipede Arthrosphaera carinata (Attems 1936)”, Crossian Resonance 7 (2): 116-124.

3. Anitha, C., Sr. Basil Rose, M.R. & Arokya Glory, P.T., 2018. “Identification and characterization of a naturally occurring agglutinin of the may beetle Phyllophaga sp.”, International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences 3 (2): 157-162.

4. Josephine Priyatharsini, C.J., Sr. Basil Rose, M.R. & Arokya Glory, P.T. 2018. “Agglutinin in the hemolymph of Barytelphusa cunicularis”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 5(8): 210-219.