Pasture Raised

Organically Fed Chicken

From our farm to your plate!!

Our Chickens roam daily on fresh pasture, forage for insects and root the way chickens were meant to live! Naturally raised chickens produce more nutrient dense meat which is better tasting, healthier and overall better for our environment.


Our Pastured chickens are moved to fresh pasture daily and eat grass, insects, vegetation, worms and seeds and are supplemented with Organic feed.
Grace is holding a 5 day old chick. The Chickens stay in the brooder for 2 weeks then are moved outside to fresh pasture.
Pasture raised meat is higher in iron, omega 3 fatty acids, has a lower Omega-6:Omega-3 fatty acid ratio, higher in antioxidants and Vitamin A and E

We are part of the Artisanal Chicken Program through the CFO. Click here for information about the Artisanal Chicken Program. You will find our chickens in local stores, markets and restaurants near you...and of course you will always be able to buy them off the farm on our weekly pickup days! Follow us on Instagram at arnold_family_farms1 to find out when our weekly pickup day and times are! We will have fresh chicken available weekly from Mid-May to Mid October weather permitting. Frozen Whole chickens are available year round as well as packages of breasts, thighs, legs, drumsticks and stock will be available starting June 2020. Please contact us to place your weekly fresh pastured organic chicken order today!