Curriculum Vitae
School of Ocean Science and Engineering
The University of Southern Mississippi
The University of Southern Mississippi
Professional Preparation
1995: Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi. Geological Oceanography
1990: M.S., University of Hamburg, Germany. Geology and Paleontology
1986: B.S., University of Hamburg, Germany. Mineralogy, Zoology, Chemistry, and Physics
Professional Experience
2019–Present Research Associate Professor, The University of Southern Mississippi
2014-2019 Research Assistant Professor, The University of Southern Mississippi
2007-2014 AUV Manager at the National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology
2000-2007 Director Ocean and Radar Programs at Ocean Technologies, LLC
1999-2014 Adj. Faculty, Department of Marine Science, University of Southern Mississippi.
1996-2000 Senior Geological Oceanographer at Neptune Sciences, Inc.
1995-1997 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, University of Southern Mississippi.
1995-1996 Postdoctoral Scientist, Institute for Marine Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi.
1990-1995 Research and Teaching Assistant at Institute for Marine Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi.
1990 Scientific project manager for the University of Hamburg, Germany, Lake Baikal expedition.
1989 Chief Scientist - Black Sea Expedition. Joint project between the Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey and the University of Hamburg, Germany.
1984-1990 Research and Teaching Assistant University of Hamburg, Teaching Assistant in applied Speleology and quaternary mapping field camps.
Graduate and Post-Graduate Advisors:
S. Kempe, Univ. Hamburg, FRG.; V. Asper, Univ. of Southern Mississippi
Graduate Advisees (major professor):
Graduated MS: Clayton Dike (now Ph.D. student at USM), Anne Griffis, Justin Blancher
Current MS: Nadine Doiron, Austin Harris
Synergistic Activities
Conference Chair IEEE OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 2014 conference. Technical Program core member AUV 2016.
Invited presentation about offshore impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Well Blowout at the AGU fall meeting San Francisco (Dec. 2010)
Scientific Liaison for the National Data Buoy Center, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and SAIC in establishing the National HF Radar network (2006-2007).
Invited talk about the role of Large Aggregates in the Vertical and Horizontal Fluxes to the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment/ United Nations Environmental Program (Sep. 1993)
Diercks, A.-R., 1995: Marine Snow Aggregates: Size Specific Settling Speeds, Abundance, and Size Specific Ratios of Settling to Total Abundance of Aggregates. University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, 281 pages.
Book Chapters
Larson, R.A., Brooks, G.R., Schwing, P.T., Diercks, A.R., Holmes, C.W., Chanton, J., Diaz-Asencio, M., Hollander, D.J., 2020, Characterization of the Sedimentation Associated with the Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Depositional Pulse, Initial Response, and Stabilization (Chap. 14). In: Murawski S, Ainsworth C, Gilbert S, Hollander D, Paris C, Schlüter M, Wetzel D, editors. 2020. Deep Oil Spills: Facts, Fate, and Effects. Springer International Publishing. pp 235-252, DOI 978-3-030-11605-7_14.
Brooks G.R., Larson R.A., Schwing P.T., Diercks A.R., Armenteros-Almanza M., Diaz-Asencio M., Martinez-Suarez A., Sánchez-Cabeza J.A., Ruiz-Fernandez A.C., Herguera Garcia J.C., Perez-Bernal L.H., Hollander D.J., 2020 Gulf of Mexico (GoM) bottom sediments and depositional processes: A baseline for future oil spills (Chap. 5). In: Murawski S, Ainsworth C, Gilbert S, Hollander D, Paris C, Schlüter M, Wetzel D, editors. 2020. Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War. Springer International Publishing, pp 75-95. DOI 978-3-030-12963-7_5.
Wade, T. L., S.T. Sweet, J.L. Sericano, N.L. Guinasso, Jr., A.-R. Diercks, R.C. Highsmith, V.L. Asper, D. Joung, A.M. Shiller, S.B. Joye, S.E. Lohrenz; Analyses of Water Samples from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Documentation of the Sub-Surface Plume. In: Liu, Y., A. MacFadyen, Z.-G. Ji, and R. H. Weisberg (Eds.) (2011), Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Record-Breaking Enterprise, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 195, 271 pp., AGU, Washington, D. C. DOI:10.1029/GM195.
Kempe, S.; A.-R. Diercks; A. Prange; G. Liebezeit. (1991), Geochemical and Structural Aspects of the Pycnocline in the Black Sea (R/V KNORR 134-8 Leg 1, 1988). In: Black Sea Oceanography (eds. J.D. Murray, E. Izdar), NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Vol. 351, 89-110.
International Journals
Johansen, C.; L. Macelloni; M. Natter; M. Silva, M. Woolsey,A. Woolsey, A.-R. Diercks, J. Hill, R. Viso, E. Marty, V.V. Lobodin, W. Shedd, S. Joye, I.R. MacDonald, Hydrocarbon migration pathway and methane budget for a Gulf of Mexico natural seep site: Green Canyon 600. Submitted to: Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Diercks, A.-R., K. Ziervogel, R. Sibert, S. Joye, V. Asper, J.P. Montoya. Vertical marine snow distribution in the stratified, hypersaline, and anoxic Orca Basin (Gulf of Mexico). 2019 Elem Sci Anth, 7(1), p.10.
Diercks, A.-R., L. Macelloni, M. D’Emidio, S. Locker, A. Woolsey, M. Woolsey. High-Resolution seismo-acoustic characterization of Green Canyon 600, a perennial Hydrocarbon Seep in the deep-water Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Geophys. Res. 2018.
Chanton, J.P., S.L.C. Giering, S.H. Bosman, K. L. Rogers, J. Sweet, V.L. Asper, A.-R. Diercks and U. Passow. Isotopic composition of sinking particles: Oil effects, recovery and baselines in the Gulf of Mexico, 2010–2015. Elem Sci Anth, 2018; 6:43. DOI:
Diercks, A.-R., C. Dike, V.L. Asper, S.F. DiMarco, J.P. Chanton, U. Passow. Scales of seafloor sediment resuspension in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Elem Sci Anth. 2018; 6(1):32.
Giering, S.L.C., B. Yan, J. Sweet, V. Asper, A.-R. Diercks, J. Chanton, M. Pitiranggon, U. Passow. The ecosystem baseline for particle flux in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Elem Sci Anth. 2018; 6(1):6.
Romero I.C., G. Toro-Farmer, A.-R. Diercks, P. Schwing, F. Muller-Karger, S. Murawski, D.J. Hollander. (2017). Large-scale deposition of weathered oil in the Gulf of Mexico following a deep-water oil spill. Environmental Pollution 228:179-189.
Yan, B., U. Passow, J.P. Chanton, E.-M. Nöthig, V. Asper, J. Sweet, M. Pitiranggon, A.-R. Diercks, D. Pak; Sustained deposition of contaminants from the Deepwater Horizon spill (2016). PNAS, June 14, 2016, vol. 113, no. 24E3332-E3340. 10.1073/pnas.1513156113.
Conti, A.; M. D’Emidio, L. Macelloni, C. Lutken, V. Asper, M. Woolsey, R. Jarnagin, A.-R. Diercks, and R.C. Highsmith (2016). Characterization of natural seepage features at ECOGIG OC26 site. Deep-Sea Res. II, Vol 129: 53-65. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.11.011.
Ziervogel K., C. Dike, V. Asper,J. Montoya, J. Battles, N. D'souza, U. Passow, A.-R. Diercks, Esch M., Joye S., Dewald C., Arnosti C. (2015). Enhanced particle fluxes and heterotrophic bacterial activities in Gulf of Mexico bottom waters following storm-induced sediment resuspension. Deep-Sea Res. II, Vol. 129:77-88. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.06.017i.
Rona, R.; V. Guida, M. Scranton, D. Gong, L. Macelloni, M. Pierdomenico, A.-R. Diercks, V. Asper, S. Haag (2015). Hudson Submarine Canyon Head Offshore New York and New Jersey: A Physical and Geochemical Investigation. Deep-Sea Res.II. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.07.019.
Pierdomenico, M.; V.G. Guida; L. Macelloni; F.L. Chiocci; P.A. Rona; M.I. Scranton; V. Asper; A.-R. Diercks. (2015). Sedimentary facies, geomorphic features and habitat distribution at the Hudson Canyon head from AUV multibeam data. Deep-Sea Res. II. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.04.016.
Chanton, J.; T. Zhao, B. Rosenheim, S. Joye, S. Bosman, C. Brunner, K. Yeager, A.-R. Diercks, D. Hollander (2014). Using natural abundance radiocarbon to trace the flux of petrocarbon to the seafloor following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Environ. Sci. Technol. 10.1021/es5046524.
Crespo-Medina, M., C.D. Meile, K.S. Hunter, A.-R. Diercks, V. Asper, J.P. Chanton, V.J. Orphan, P.L. Tavormina, L.M. Nigro, J.J. Battles, A.M Shiller, D.J. Joung, R.M.W. Amon, A.-L. Bracco, J.P. Montoya, T. Villareal, M. Wood, and S.B. Joye (2014). The rise and fall of methanotrophy following a deep-water oil-well blowout. Nature Geoscience. 10.1038/ngeo2156.
Passow, U.; K. Ziervogel, V.L. Asper and A.-R. Diercks. (2012). Marine snow formation in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Environ. Res. Lett. 7, 035301. 10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/035301.
Diercks, A.-R., R. C. Highsmith, V. L. Asper, D. Joung, Z. Zhou, L. Guo, A. M. Shiller, S. B. Joye, A. P. Teske, N. L. Guinasso Jr., T. L. Wade, and S. E. Lohrenz (2010). Characterization of subsurface polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at the Deepwater Horizon site; Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L20602. 10.1029/2010GL045046.
Diercks, A.-R.; V.L. Asper. (1997). In situ Settling Speeds of Marine Snow Aggregates below the Mixed Layer: Black Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 44(3), 385-398.
Asper, V.L.; A.-R. Diercks; M.D. Tuel. (1995). Carbon and Total Mass Flux in the Ross Sea Polynya: November-December, 1994, Antarctic Journal of the United States 29(1).
Asper, V.L., A.-R. Diercks, and D.M. Karl (1993). The first profiles of Marine Snow Abundance in the Gerlache Strait Region of Antarctica. Antarctic Journal of the United States 28(5) pp 223-225. Palmer LTER Contribution #0025.
Kempe, S.; G. Liebezeit; A.-R. Diercks; V. Asper. (1990). Water balance in the Black Sea. Nature 346, 419.
Diercks, A.-R., S. Joye, R. Siebert, J. Montoya, First Complete Profile of Marine Snow Abundance in the Orca Basin, Sea Surface to Sea Floor. Presented at 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 4, – Feb 7, 2019, New Orleans, Louisiana
Brooks, G. R., R. A. Larson, A.-R. Diercks, J. Chanton, I. Romero, P. Schwing, S. Bosman, REDIRECT: Evidence for Recent Gravity Flow Deposition Down-slope of DWH: Re-sedimentation of MOSSFA? Poster presented at 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 4, – Feb 7, 2019, New Orleans, Louisiana
Chanton, J., K. Rogers, S. Bosman, J. Montoya, A.-R. Diercks, S. Giering, U. Passow; The relative importance of submarine seepage to carbon pools of the Gulf of Mexico Presented at 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 4, – Feb 7, 2019, New Orleans, Louisiana
Larson, R. A., G. Brooks, A.-R. Diercks, J. Chanton, I. Romero, S. Bosman, REDIRECT: Spatial and Temporal Sedimentation Patterns in the NE GoM: Short-lived Radioisotope Records of Sediment Focusing and Downslope Transport of MOSSFA. Poster presented at 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 4, – Feb 7, 2019, New Orleans, Louisiana
Diercks, A. R.; V. L. Asper, S. F. DiMarco, J. P. Chanton, U. Passow; Scales of Re-suspension in the Northern Gulf of Mexico; Poster presented at 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 5, – Feb 8, 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana
Chanton, J., S. Bosman, K. Rogers, J. Sweet, V. Asper, A.-R. Diercks, U. Passow; Isotopic Composition of Sinking Particles: Oil Effects, Recovery and Baselines in the Gulf of Mexico, 2010-2016; 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 5, 2018 – Feb 8, 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana
Thurnherr A. M., A. R. Diercks, J. Montoya Velocity Measurements from a Drifting Sediment Trap in the Northeastern Gulf; Poster presented at 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 5,– Feb 8, 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana
Hode, L. E.; S. D. Howden, A. R. Diercks; Determining the Variability and Accuracy of High Frequency Radar Surface Currents in the Mississippi Bight. Poster presented at: 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 5 – Feb 8, 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana
Diercks, A.-R., V. Asper, K. Ziervogel, U. Passow; Vertical Abundance of Marine Snow in response to MS River Plume Water; 2017 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 6 – Feb 9, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana
Giering, S., J. Sweet, V. Asper, A.-R. Diercks, J. Chanton, A. Alldredge, B. Yan, U. Passow; Variability in sedimentation dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico reflect ecosystem and food web structure; 2017 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 6 – Feb 9, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana
Romero, I. C., A.-R. Diercks, K. Daly, J. Chanton, D. Hollander; Distribution of Deposited Petroleum Hydrocarbons after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill; 2017 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 6 – Feb 9, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana
Chanton, J., U. Passow, V. Asper, S. Bosman, J. Sweet, K. Rogers, A.-R. Diercks, B. Yan; System Recovery and Organic Source Variability: Sinking Particulate Organic Carbon Stable and Radioisotope Time Series at 3 Sites in the Northern Gulf 2010-2014; 2017 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 6 – Feb 9, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana
Diercks, A.-R., C. Dyke, V. Asper, U. Passow, K. Ziervogel; Marine Aggregates – Material Transport in the Deep Gulf of Mexico; 2016 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 1 – Feb 4, 2016; Tampa, Florida
Martens, C. S., H. Mendlovitz, H. Seim, L. Lapham, M. Joye, V. Asper, A.-R. Diercks, I. MacDonald; Time Series Measurements of Methane Transport and Sediment Total Oxygen Utilization in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using Novel Sensor Technologies; 2016 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference; Feb 1 – Feb 4, 2016; Tampa, Florida
Romero, I. C., G. A. Toro-Farmer, A.-R. Diercks, F. Muller-Karger, G. R. Brooks, R. A. Larson, P. Schwing, S. Murawski, D.J. Hollander, 2015; Quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons in offshore sediments after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Oral Presentation at the 2015 GOMRI Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Symposium, Houston, TX.
Diercks, A.-R.; V. Asper, R. Jarnagin, M. Woolsey, M. D'Emidio, S. Tidwell, A. Conti; 2015; High Resolution Seafloor Data to Guide Sampling and Data Interpretation. Poster presented at 2015 GOMRI Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Symposium, Houston, TX (16-19 Feb., 2015).
Diercks A.-R., V. Asper, R. Jarnagin, M. Woolsey, M. D'Emidio, S. Tidwell, C. Dike, A. Conti; Deep Sea Hydrocarbon Seep Surveys using AUVs. Poster presented at 2014 GOMRI Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Mobile, AL (26-29 Jan, 2014)
Asper, V.; A.-R. Diercks, U. Passow, C. Dike, K. Ziervogel Marine Snow Aggregate Abundance near the Macondo Well Site; Poster presented at 2014 GOMRI Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Mobile, AL (26-29 Jan, 2014)
Ziervogel, K.; J. Sweet, U. Passow, A. Juhl, V. Asper, A.-R. Diercks, C. Arnosti; Sediment Resuspension in the Deep Gulf Of Mexico affects Redistribution and Transformation of (Oil-Rich) POM Poster presented at 2014 GOMRI Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Mobile, AL (26-29 Jan, 2014)
Diercks, A.-R.; Jarnagin, R.; Woolsey, M.; Asper, V. L.; Dike, C.: AUV Sub Sea Surveys. 2013 GOMRI Conference, New Orleans, LA (20-23 Jan, 2013)
Asper, V. L.; Passow, U.; Diercks, A.-R.; Dike, C.: Sediment Flux and Redistribution near the Macondo Well. 2013 GOMRI Conference, New Orleans, LA (20-23 Jan, 2013)
Passow, U.; Ziervogel, K.; Asper, V.L.; Diercks, A.-R.; Dike, C.; Marine snow as drivers for oil transformation. 2013 GOMRI Conference, New Orleans, LA (20-23 Jan, 2013)
Asper, V., Diercks, A., (2013). Increased sedimentation and altered nutrient cycling in the aftermath of the Macondo oil well blowout. Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society, 245.
Asper, V.L.; Passow, U.; Diercks, A.-R. (2013). Settling Velocity of Marine Snow aggregates near the sea floor at the Macondo Well site. Poster. 2013 GOMRI Conference, New Orleans, LA (20-23 Jan, 2013)
MacGregor, B.J.; Passow, U.; Asper, V.L.; Diercks, A.-R. (2013). Stable carbon isotopes of ribosomal RNA as a tracer for microbial growth substrates: first data from Gulf of Mexico sediments and sediment traps. Poster. 2013 GOMRI Conference, New Orleans, LA (20-23 Jan, 2013).
Diercks, A.-R.: Ecosystems Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf - The presence of Marine Snow. (2013). 1st Hamburg Symposium on Deep-Sea Oil Spills, Hamburg-Harburg, September 4, 2013.
Diercks, A.-R, V. Asper, U. Passow, K. Ziervogel, C. Dike (2013). Hydrography and its Implication to Resuspension of Sediments in the Northern Gulf of Mexico; Poster at MOSSFA meeting in Tallahassee, FL, (22-23 Oct. 2013).
Asper V., C. Dike, A.-R. Diercks, U. Passow, K. Ziervogel (2013). Marine snow abundance and distribution in the Gulf of Mexico; Poster at MOSSFA meeting in Tallahassee, FL, (22-23 Oct. 2013).
Dike, C., V. Asper, A.-R. Diercks, U. Passow (2013). Settling Velocity of Marine Snow at a Seep Site and a Spill Site in the Northern Gulf of Mexico; Poster at MOSSFA meeting in Tallahassee, FL, (22-23 Oct. 2013).
Joye, S.B., M. Crespo-Medina, K. Hunter, V. Asper, A.-R. Diercks, R. Highsmith, J. P. Montoya (2013). Pelagic methane oxidation in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Activity patterns before, during, and after the Macondo Blowout. 2013 GOMRI Conference, New Orleans, LA (20-23 Jan, 2013).
Diercks, A.-R.; Asper, V.L.; Woolsey, M.; Jarnagin, R.; D’Emidio, M.; Dike, M.; Tidwell, S.; Conti, A. (2013). Using Autonomous Undersea Vehicles in Support of Oil Spill Research in the Gulf of Mexico Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 58(1) 107
Diercks, A.-R.; V.L. Asper; M. Woolsey; R. Jarnagin; M. D’Emidio; C. Dike; S. Tidwell; A. Conti; Site Reconnaissance Surveys for Oil Spill Research using Deep-Sea AUVs. Oceans, 23 -26 Sept. 2013.
Woolsey, M.; A.-R. Diercks; R. Jarnagin; V.L. Asper; Simultaneous Operation of Heterogeneous AUVs; Oceans, 23 -26 Sept. 2013.
Woolsey, M.; R. Jarnagin; K. Sleeper; L. Macelloni; M. D’Emidio; A.-R. Diercks; V.L. Asper; Integration of a Polarity-Preserving Chirp Sub-Bottom Profiler into the NIUST AUV Eagle Ray. Oceans, 23 -26 Sept. 2013.
Pierdomenico, M.; V. G. Guida; P. A. Rona, L. Macelloni, M.I. Scranton; V. Asper, A.-R. Diercks (2013). Hudson Canyon benthic habitats characterization and mapping by integrated analysis of multidisciplinary data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-11501
Diercks, A.-R.; NIUST AUV's- Autonomous Technology at Work (2012). MTS - Oceans in Action - Marine Technology from Deepwater Horizon. Presented at SSC’s MTS chapter. (inivited)
Joye, S.B.; Crespo-Medina, M.; Medeiros, P.; Benitez-Nelson, C.; Moore, W.; Montoya, J.P.; Asper, V.; Diercks, A.-R.; Highsmith, R. (2012). Intense sedimentation on the seafloor following the 2010 Macondo blowout: Geochemical composition, mechanisms, and microbial impacts, AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Francisco
Woolsey, M.; R. Jarnagin; A.-R. Diercks; An electromagnet-operated descent weight mechanism designed for a hovering AUV, Oceans, 2012, 14-19 Oct. 2012, DOI: 10.1109/OCEANS.2012.6404858.
Woolsey, M.; R. Jarnagin; A.-R. Diercks; V.L. Asper; New developments for the NIUST AUVs, Oceans, 2012, 14-19 Oct. 2012, DOI: 10.1109/OCEANS.2012.6404860.
Montoya, J.P., Subramaniam, A., Asper, V.L., Diercks, A.-R., Passow, U., Crespo-Medina, M., Joye, S.B., Villareal, T.A. (2011). Subsurface turbid layers in the Gulf of Mexico: Echoes of the Deepwater Horizon Spill? Presented to the Aquatic Sciences Meeting of the American Geophysical Union / American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Puerto Rico, February 2011.
Crespo-Medina, M., Slaughter, J., Vossmeyer, A., Hunter, K.S., Montoya, J.P., Subramaniam, A., Asper, V.L., Diercks, A.-R., Villareal, T.A., Joye, S.B. (2011). Patterns of Water Column Aerobic Methane Oxidation Rates in Response to the Deepwater Horizon Hydrocarbon Spill. Presented to the Aquatic Sciences Meeting of the American Geophysical Union / American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Puerto Rico, February 2011.
Passow, U, Asper, V.L, Diercks, A.-R., Montoya, J. (2011). Marine Snow Formation and Sedimentation in the Aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon/Macondo Well Oil Spill GSA South-Central Section - 45th Annual Meeting (27–29 March 2011) New Orleans, Louisiana.
Guida, V.G., P.A. Rona, V.L. Asper, A.-R. Diercks, L. Macelloni, P.C. Valentine, and M.I. Scranton, (2011) Hudson Canyon: Multi-Species Habitat Complexes as a Geographic Priority. American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting, Sept. 4-8 Seattle, WA
Asper., V.L.; Woolsey, M.; A.-R. Diercks; R. Jarangin; M. Lowe; A. Gossett; R. Highsmith; Expanding the capabilities of the NIUST AUVs. OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE Kona Hawaii Conference & Exhibition (110422-075).
Woolsey, M; A.-R. Diercks, V.L. Asper; Surveying with the SeaBED-Class AUV Mola Mola National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology Improves Navigation and Data Quality on the Mola Mola AUV. 2011 Sea Technology Magazine.
Camilli R., L. Macelloni, V. Asper, M. Woolsey, J. Williams, A.-R. Diercks, C. Lutken, K. Sleeper (2009) Discovery and Characterization of Cold Seep Vents Using a Mass Spectrometer Operating aboard an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. American Geophysical Union Fall Annual Meeting San Francisco, California December 14-18.
Wade, T.L., Sweet S.T., Sericano, J.L., Guinasso, N.L. Jr., Lohrenz, S.E., Shiller, A.M., Joye, S.B, Diercks, A.R., Asper, V.L. and Highsmith, R.C. (2010). Documentation of Sub-Surface Oil Plume by Analyses of Toxic PAH in Water Samples from the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill. SETAC 31th Annual Meeting, November 7-11, 2010, Portland OR, WP290, p 376.
Lutken, C. B., Macelloni, L., Lapham, L., Caruso, S., Lodi, M., Camilli, R., Asper, V.L., Diercks, A.-R., Knapp, J. H., Knapp, C.C. (2010). Monitoring Seafloor Morpho-Geological Evolution of the MC118 Hydrate/Carbonate Mound via Multiple AUV Missions, AAPG 2010 Annual Convention.
Diercks, A.-R., V. L. Asper, M. Woolsey, J. L. Williams, F. Cantelas (2010): NIUST AUV’s study Shipwrecks in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, in: Proceedings of the AUV 2010 Conference.
Woolsey, M., A.-R. Diercks, V. L. Asper (2010): Mola Mola, NIUST’s Low-Altitude Photo and Multibeam AUV; in: Proceedings of the OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE Seattle Conference & Exhibition, 978-1-4244-4333-8.
Innman, A., G. Easson, V. L. Asper, A.-R. Diercks (2010): The Effectiveness of Using MODIS Products to Map Sea Surface Oil; in: Proceedings of the OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE Seattle Conference & Exhibition, 978-1-4244-4333-8.
Diercks, A.-R., V. L. Asper, M. Woolsey, J. L. Williams, F. Cantelas, R. Camilli, P. Rona, V. Guida (2010); NIUST AUVs – Expanding Possibilities; in: Proceedings of the OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE Seattle Conference & Exhibition, 978-1-4244-4333-8.
Diercks, A.-R., V. L. Asper, R. Highsmith. M. Woolsey, S. Lohrenz, K. McLetchie, A. Gossett, M. Lowe III, D. Joung, L. McKay, S. Joye, A. Teske (2010): NIUST – Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response Cruise; in: Proceedings of the OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE Seattle Conference & Exhibition, 978-1-4244-4333-8.
Diercks, A.-R., V. L. Asper, J. L. Williams, (2009), Advanced Technology in Motion: NIUST's AUV Fleet; in: Proceedings of the OCEANS 2009 MTS/IEEE Biloxi Conference & Exhibition
Rona, P, Guida, V, Scranton, M, Gong, D., Haag, S., Macelloni L., Simonetti, A., James, J., Diercks, A.-R., Asper, V.L. (2009). Hudson Submarine Canyon Head Offshore New York and New Jersey: Active circular depressions, fans, ravines, methane discharge and water masses, AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract: EP43A-0636
Rona, P, Guida, V, Scranton, M, Gong, D., Sullivan, M., Haag, S., Diercks, A.-R, Asper, V, (2008). Hudson Submarine Canyon Head Offshore New York and New Jersey: a Dynamic Interface II, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract: OS51A1238.
Conlee, D. T., J. Harlan, E.J. Terrill, L. Hazard, M. Otero, P. L. Spence, A.-R. Diercks (2007). The HF Radar National Server and Architecture Project. 11th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS). American Meteorological Society 2007. San Diego, CA.
Diercks, A.-R., Riley, C, Asper, V.L. (2003) HF Radar surface current measurements in the Mississippi Sound compared to in-situ measurements by ADCP and Lagrangian GPS Surface drifters, in: Proceedings of the OCEANS 2003 MTS/IEEE Biloxi Conference & Exhibition - Suppl. 699
Arnone, R.A.; S.D. Ladner; P.M. Martinolich; A.-R. Diercks; R.H. Stavn (2002). Optical Variability Linked to Physical Forcing in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using Satellite, Shipboard, and CODAR Observations, Eos. Trans. AGU, 83(4), Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS12J-06
Diercks, A.-R., C. Riley, K. Pettway, and D. Barrick (2001). High Frequency Coastal Radar (CODAR) surface current measurements in the Mississippi Sound, Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 46(1) 63
Crout, R.L., Diercks, A.-R., (2001), Mobile Bay Response to a Strong Autumn Cold Front Passage, Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl. Volume 4, 2001 Page(s):2432 - 2435
Gould, R.W., Jr., T.R. Keen, R.A. Arnone, R.H. Stavn, A.-R. Diercks (2001). Bio-Optical variability in a barrier-island coastal environment: Coupling remote sensing imagery, shipboard measurements, and modeling results. Ocean Odyssey 2001 Meeting, Joint meeting of IAPSO and IABO, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 21-28 October, 2001.
Asper, V., J. Blaha, C. Szczechowski, C. Cumbee, B. Willems, S. Lohrenz, D. Redalje, A-R Diercks (2001) The Northern Gulf of Mexico Littoral Initiative (NGLI): a collaborative modeling, monitoring, and research effort. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 46, p. 42.
Bosch, J.; Diercks, A.-R.; Kuttner, S; Linzell, R.; Szydlik, C.; Veglia, J., (December 1998), Turkish Strait - Mine Warfare Pilot (U) prepared for the Naval Oceanographic Office, Special Publication.
Bosch, J.; Diercks, A.-R.; Linzell, R.; Szydlik, C.; Veglia, J., (October 1998), Oran / Algeria - Mine Warfare Pilot (U) prepared for the Naval Oceanographic Office, Special Publication.
Bosch, J.; Diercks, A.-R.; Linzell, R.; Szydlik, C.; Veglia, J., (August 1998), Hainan Dao - Mine Warfare Pilot (U) prepared for the Naval Oceanographic Office, Special Publication .
Bosch, J.; Diercks, A.-R.; Linzell, R.; Szydlik, C.; Veglia, J., (August 1998), Oceanographic /Environmental Summary for Burma (U), prepared for the Naval Oceanographic Office, Special Publication.
Bosch, J.; Diercks, A.-R.; Linzell, R.; Szydlik, C.; Veglia, J., (July 1998), Oceanographic /Environmental Summary for Cambodia (U), prepared for the Naval Oceanographic Office, Special Publication.
Bosch, J.; Diercks, A.-R.; Linzell, R.; Szydlik, C.; Veglia, J., Frilot, D. (June 1998), Northern Persian Gulf - Mine Warfare Pilot (U) prepared for the Naval Oceanographic Office, Special Publication.
Bosch, J.; Diercks, A.-R.; Linzell, R.; Szydlik, C.; Veglia, J., Frilot, D. (May 1998), Central Persian Gulf - Mine Warfare Pilot (U), prepared for the Naval Oceanographic Office, Special Publication.
Asper, V. L., A.-R. Diercks, J. J. Lee, and W. O. Smith (1997), In situ measurements of aggregate dynamics in the Ross Sea, Report, Oceanogr. Soc. Amsterdam
Diercks, A-R. And V.L. Asper (1996). In Situ Settling Speeds of Marine Snow Aggregates. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Vol 41(1).
Diercks, A-R and V.L. Asper (1996). In situ Settling Speeds of Marine Snow Aggregates Below the Mixed Layer in the Black Sea and Gulf of Mexico. EOS 76:3.
Lee, JJ, V.L. Asper and A-R Diercks (1996). Flux and In-situ Settling Speed of Marine Aggregates in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. EOS 76:3.
Lee, J.J., V.L. Asper and A-R. Diercks (1996). Dynamics of Marine Aggregates in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Flux and Settling Speeds. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Vol 41(1).
Asper, V.L., A-R. Diercks and J.J. Lee (1996). Particle Abundances and Fluxes in the Ross Sea, Antarctica during the Early Austral Spring, 1994. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Vol 41(1).
Brahmachari, S., V.L. Asper, A-R. Diercks, and M.D. Tuel (1996). Particle Distribution Patterns in the Ross Sea, Antarctica; Concentrations in Near Surface and Deep Waters. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Vol 41(1).
Asper, V.L., A-R. Diercks, and M.D. Tuel (1996). Fluxes of Carbon and Total Mass in the Ross Sea Polynya during the Early Austral Spring, 1994. EOS 76:3.
Diercks, A.-R. and V.L. Asper (1995). Abundance and Size Specific Settling Speeds of Marine Snow Aggregates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 40(1), 67.
Asper, V.L., and A-R. Diercks (1995). Using a Remotely Operated Vehicle to Assess the Abundances of Marine Snow Aggregates in the Upper Water Column. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 40(1), 65.
Asper¸ V.L.; A.-R. Diercks; J.J. Lee; S. Brahmachari and M.D. Tuel, (1995). Particle abundances and fluxes in the Ross Sea, Antarctica during the early Austral spring. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 40(1).
Asper, V. L., A.-R. Diercks and J.J. Lee (1995). Preliminary Results of Carbon, Nitrogen and Total Mass Flux in the Ross Sea Antarctica. Ross Sea Polynya Bloom Dynamics Workshop, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Diercks, A.-R. and V. Asper (1994). Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Traps: The first Designs. EOS, 75(3), 22.
Asper, V.L, A.-R. Diercks and D.M. Karl (1994). Profiles of Large Aggregate Abundance from the Gerlache Strait Region of Antarctica. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 39(1), 60.
Diercks, A.-R. and V.L. Asper (1994) First. Designs of Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Traps. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Science, 39(1), 61.
Asper, V.L. and A.-R. Diercks (1993). New Technologies in Marine Particle Flux Determination. Presented to the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment / United Nations Environmental Program, Workshop on Particle Flux in the Ocean, September 20-23, Hamburg, Germany.
Asper, V.L. and A.-R. Diercks. (1993). The Role of Large Aggregates in the Vertical and Horizontal Fluxes of Marine Particulate Matter. Presented to the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment / United Nations Environmental Program, Workshop on Particle Flux in the Ocean, September 20-23, Hamburg, Germany.
Diercks, A.-R.; Asper, V.L.; Sessions, M. and Jones, D., (1992). Flux and Abundance of Marine Snow Aggregates at a Station in the Eastern Central Pacific. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 37(1), 42.
Diercks, A.-R.; Asper, V.L.; Sessions, M. and Jones, D. (1992). The Flux and Abundance of Marine Snow Aggregates: Results of Research performed aboard R/Y Yuzhmorgeologiya. 1992 AGU, Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans.
Asper, V.L., A.-R. Diercks, I.D. Walsh, W.D. Gardner, and M.J. Richardson (1992). Large Aggregate Profiles in the Equatorial Pacific During the JGOFS EQPAC Program. EOS 73:43.
Asper, V.L., W.D. Gardner, I.D. Walsh, M.J. Richardson and A.-R. Diercks (1992). Large Aggregate Profiles in the Equatorial Pacific During the JGOFS EQPAC Program. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December.
Diercks, A.-R. (1991). Structural aspects of the pycnocline in the Black Sea. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 36(1), 53.
Asper, V.L. A.-R. Diercks, C.H. Pilskaln, and J.K. Orzech (1991). Investigation of Suspended and Sinking Particulate Matter in Lake Baikal, U.S.S.R. Using Photographic Techniques. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Vol 36.
Invited Presentations, Professional Audience, International/National:
Diercks, A-R., Resuspension and Redistribution of Sediments in the deep Gulf of Mexico - Evidence from Traps, Cameras and Current Measurements; Seminar given at Texas A&M University, College Station, January 14, 2019
Diercks, A.-R., “Secondhand” MOSSFA in the deep Gulf of Mexico – a Smoking Gun. MOSSFA Workshop November 2018, Galveston TX
Passow, U., B. Yan, J. Chanton, E. Noethig, V. Asper, A.-R. Diercks 2015; Formation and Sedimentation of Oil-Associated Marine Snow Re-concentrates Oil-Spill Pollutants. Invited Oral Presentation at the 2015 GOMRI Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Symposium, Houston, TX.
Joye, S.B., Crespo-Medina, M., Hunter, K.S., Vossmeyer, A., Beer, L., Bowles, M., Asper, V.L., Diercks, A.-R., Teske, A., Montoya, J.P., Benitez-Nelson, C., Brandes, J., Moore, W., Passow, U., Subramaniam, A., Wade, T., Highsmith, R. (2011) The BP Oil Swell Blowout: Mechanisms of Oil transport to the Benthos and Consequences on Microbial Dynamics in Deep Gulf of Mexico Sediments. Invited talk presented to the Aquatic Sciences Meeting of the American Geophysical Union / American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Puerto Rico, February 2011.
Diercks, A.-R. and V.L. Asper, R. Highsmith, M. Woolsey, S. Lohrenz, K. McLetchie, A. Gossett, M. Lowe III, D. Joung, L. McKay (2010) The Discovery of Deep Oil Plumes at the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Site. Invited talk presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
Joye, S.B., A.-R. Diercks, A. Teske, D. Valentine (2010), Undersea plumes of oil and dissolved gas and sedimented oil along the seafloor alter the ocean system following the BP oil well blowout. Invited talk presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
Diercks, A.-R. and V.L. Asper (1993) A Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Trap for Marine Particle Flux Studies. Invited talk presented to the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment / United Nations Environmental Program, Workshop on Particle Flux in the Ocean, September 20-23, Hamburg, Germany.
Asper, V.L. and A.-R. Diercks (1993) The Role of Large Aggregates in the Vertical and horizontal Fluxes of Marine Particulate Matter. Invited Talk presented to the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment / United Nations Environmental Program, Workshop on Particle Flux in the Ocean, September 20-23, Hamburg, Germany.