Rank Requirements


Provide insight and guidance to COL and MAJ

Mitigate issues within leadership ranks

Host one meeting a week to communicate useful info and to hear member’s concerns and opinions

Follow guidance from your CoFo

Recruit three people per month


Follow guidance from GEN

Mitigate issues within leadership ranks

Host one meeting a week at an opposite time of the GEN

Work closely with MAJ

Recruit three people per month


Follow guidance from COL

Mitigate issues within leadership ranks

Attend meetings and take notes regarding member’s concerns to be addressed

Work closely with staff and guide them

Recruit three people per month


Work with LTs and MAJ

Strive to learn from MAJ

Communicate issues and concerns to MAJ

Follow Guidance from MAJ

Recruit three people per month


Work with CPT in the interest of members

Host game nights for the community

Work with and train MSGs to become staff

Follow guidance from CPT

Recruit three people per month


Work with LT to learn the roles of staff

Maintain relations with all members

Welcome new members and prospects into the community

Follow guidance from LT


Have fun and game

All members

1. Disrespect will not be tolerated. Respect all members regardless of rank, gender, nationality, upbringing, etc.

2. Zero tolerance for sexual harassment, bullying, or poaching.

3. Support one another and never tell someone that their ideas or opinions aren’t important.

4. Remember we are a family; help and support one another as such.

5. Absolutely no asking for money within the AOFA server.

6. Absolutely no using the AOFA server or name for personal gain.

7. Have fun and game!