For the most part, Army of Darkness Defense is a fairly standard tower defense game. You have to protect the necronomicon from the clutches of the 'Deadite' army. They approach from the right, and you have an ever increasing well of resources to pit against them with each level. The main difference is that you can actually move the main character around, and although Ash will attack automatically, it makes Army of Darkness Defense seem more dynamic than it otherwise would do.

Hey, remember how Bruce Campbell recapped the events of Evil Dead 2 during Army of Darkness' opening, then cunningly skipped over 90% of the plot and went straight to the castle siege finale? Who could forget one of the fondest moments during the climax, where peasants defended the castle with brooms against flapping books endowed with cartoon faces? Or how protagonist Ashley Williams used his boomstick nonstop during the castle invasion, forgoing any type of fancy swordplay? No? Well... maybe I'm being a bit unfair with my snarky tone, because every game based on a movie is guilty of taking liberties; there wouldn't be much of a game if they stayed true to the source material.

But still, why take liberties with some aspects, then restrict yourself to a single moment from the movie, the castle invasion, and base your entire game around that? I have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that someone at Backflip Studios watched Army of Darkness and thought, "This movie was destined to be a tower defense game!" Don't get me wrong, it's a really cool moment in the film, with its clever mixture of editing, efficient use of practical effects, and the scale of the whole thing within the confines of its budget, but there's not a lot of mileage to be had for a game, unless some clever ideas are inserted. The devs forsake such a thought, instead aiming for a very straightforward tower defense structure where you must protect the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis book from an undead army.

Taking place on a single battlefield, an amalgamation of the movie's castle that spans the equivalent of a city block, you move Ash by tapping spots on the screen, who automatically starts blasting away with his shotgun when in close proximity to skeleton warriors or flying books. Clearly, that's not enough to fend off the savages, so you also need reinforcements, which weirdly start with peasants, but you're eventually allowed access to swordsmen, spearmen, archers, and of course, the projectile-spewing Wiseman. Yeah, I bet you forgot that part in the film where the old man zaps Ash with blue healing powers. Though, you'll have to wait for the blacksmith "shop" to build up points slowly before aid can be dispatched, with a swordsman costing 10 points, while powerhouses such as Arthur and the horse-riding Henry costing 45 and 65 points.

From there, you really just have a typical tower defense brawl, and if you've played one, even for a tiny bit, you know the deal. It basically all comes down to timing and concentrated management, where you can't let up on bringing out soldiers, but do so with the appropriate troops to counter specific enemies; a swordsman alone is disadvantageous against a skeleton poking with a spear at a distance, so you'll need the help of either a multitude of swordsmen, or mix it up with spearmen and archers. Also, you can reduce the number of enemies on screen with special attacks that recharge periodically, such as a super-powered boomstick blast or use The Wrong Book to suck in skeletons, all while hiding behind your men as shields.

If there's one thing Defense truly succeeds at, it's that this free game is inoffensive in its simplistic approach. It responds as well as it can for a touch-sensitive title and it doesn't have any legitimately awful flaws to point out. The worst thing I can say about the game is that, of the 50 stages, it doesn't really start getting challenging until around the late 20s. At this point, you have to put some actual thought into your plans, act quicker, die a few times, and right towards the end, grind coins to further upgrade your weapons and soldiers. Now, there's an option to buy coins with real money, but kudos to the devs for never forcing a situation that requires its use. It's there for lazy people. Whether you're a fan of Evil Dead or tower defense in general, Army of Darkness Defense is purely serviceable if you need to pass time and have nothing else to reach for.

Army Of Darkness Defense Download For Android

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Army of darkness defense (more known as AoDD) was a amazing game that I used to play on my Ipad every single day. It brought me wonderful childhood memories that I will cherish forever. Sadly, on May 5th, 2018, it was removed from the Apple app store, and Google Play. I have greatly missed playing this game and would enjoy seeing it back on the app store. This is a game that is literally obsessive and is great fun to play as well. It also features 50+ voice lines from the actual movie which is a greatly nostalgic experience. Please support this petition if you are a true AoDD fan and appreciate the Evil Dead trilogy.................................

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Palestinians fired on an Israeli bus in the West Bank and suicide bombers set off their explosives in the Gaza Strip in double attacks near Jewish settlements that killed at least eight people and wounded about 30, paramedics and the Israeli army said Wednesday. The eight were killed in the bus attack, which took place when explosions forced the vehicle to stop as it wound up an uphill road to the settlement of Emmanuel, about 25 miles north of Jerusalem, Capt. Jacob Dallal, an Israeli army spokesman. Gunmen then opened fire from surrounding hills, both on the bus and on rescue crews that rushed to the scene in the darkness. Around 25 to 30 people were wounded. Dallal said the initial explosion was caused by either a suicide attackers or a roadside bomb. Violence had continued throughout the day, despite a U.S. peace envoy's call for 48 hours of calm. Israeli helicopter gunships attacked a Palestinian refugee camp Wednesday morning in response to mortar fire on nearby Jewish settlements. Four Palestinian militiamen were killed and 20 bystanders wounded in the airstrike. The violence raised questions about the effectiveness of the U.S. mediation mission. Only a day earlier, the U.S. envoy, Anthony Zinni, had asked Israelis and Palestinians to observe two days of calm to help lower tensions and rebuild trust, said a U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity. In truce talks Tuesday, Zinni requested that Israel refrain from targeted killings of suspected militants and from shelling Palestinian Authority targets, said a Palestinian security official. The Palestinians were asked to stop mortar fire and round up more suspected Islamic militants, the security official said. Yarden Vatikay, an adviser to Israel's defense minister, denied that Zinni made specific demands of Israel. His request of Israel was to act in a responsible fashion, but there was no demand to stop actions which are meant for self defense,'' Vatikay said. At virtually the same time as the bus attack Wednesday evening, two suicide bombers blew themselves up near the Gush Katif settlement bloc in the Gaza Strip, wounding several people, the army and TV reports said. The assailants jumped on a car leaving the Ganei Tal settlement and detonated the explosives, TV reports said. The passengers in the car escaped with minor injuries but the assailants were killed, the reports said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for either attack. Earlier Wednesday, five Israeli tanks drove into the center of the West Bank town of Jenin, triggering a firefight with hundreds of Palestinian activists. Fourteen Jenin residents were wounded by Israeli fire before the tanks left, doctors said. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in a statement that Israel was acting responsibly. He said Israeli troops would continue to respond to Palestinian mortar fire and to strike against militants suspected of planning attacks on Israelis. Last week, three Palestinian suicide bombers killed 26 people in Israel, the latest in a series of attacks by the Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups. Tuesday's truce talks were stormy, as were two previous rounds in recent days, and Mohammed Dahlan, the Palestinian security chief in the Gaza Strip, left abruptly after a loud argument with the head of Israel's Shin Bet security service, Avi Dichter, said Palestinian officials close to the talks. Palestinian Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo, meanwhile, described the Palestinians' crackdown on suspected militants as a very serious battle we have never experienced before.'' Israel has dismissed the arrests as insufficient, saying many of those taken into custody were minor activists, not planners of terror attacks. The Palestinians say more than 180 suspects have been detained, including 17 on a list of 33 names of wanted militants submitted by the United States. Late Tuesday, Palestinians fired four mortar shells at Jewish settlements in the southern Gaza Strip. The mortar shells caused no damage or injuries. In retaliation, Israeli helicopters fired missiles at the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza overnight, killing four Palestinians and wounding 20, including four who were in serious condition, Palestinian doctors said. The first air strike targeted a hiding place of members of a local militia, the so-called Abu Rish group, which has tentative links to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, camp residents said. Two of the militiamen were killed immediately and two more in another Israeli strike an hour later, witnesses said. Israel's military said those targeted in the air strike had been involved in firing mortars at Israeli settlements. It said members of the Islamic militant group Hamas were also involved in the shelling. The Palestinian police chief in the Gaza Strip, Brig. Gen. Abdel Razek Majaida, accused Israel of attacking civilian areas. ff782bc1db

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