This AU involving Zeo goes mostly by the canon story of Hellsing, with some liberties taken. Here is a small list of the changes I have made to the story:


"Why did I have to get stuck with all you crazy fuckers?"

Name: Zeo

Gender: Male (He/Him)

DOB:  Unknown

Age: 27

Orientation: Homosexual

Height | Weight: 5'5 (165cm) | 110lbs (49kgs)

Occupation: Mechanic

Affiliation: Hellsing


Half-Human — Half-Angel

Angelic Blessing Manifistations:

Due to Zeo's ancestry, Zeo was born to be the perfect sacrificial lamb. His body has been blessed from having the perfect combination of genes and through manipulation with rituals.  Although most of this is unknown to him, this comes with a variety of skills and curses that Zeo must deal with.

Here is a list of Zeo's abilities:

INTOXICATING & INVIGORATING BLOODZeo's blood is the most notable feature, since it causes the most problems. His blood, on top of being extremely potent to supernatural creatures, smells incredibly strong. A small amount of his blood is enough to satisfy most rituals easily. 

【LUCKY EVASIONDue to being blessed, Zeo subconsciously seems to pick the best paths when evading pursuers.

CHARM IMMUNITYZeo's mind also completely resists being mind-controlled or being manipulated with magic. 

RITUAL SACRIFICEDue to the things he went through as a kid, Zeo feels an unnatural pull to ritual circles and feels compelled to fulfill them

General Abilities

Overall Skill Level】Unless Zeo is working on mechanics, his skills in most other places are lacking. Coming from a malnourished and sheltered upbringing, he didn't have the best head start and struggles with a lot of common things. Due to his angelic blessing's help, he can evade well in a crisis situation, but his lungs and strength aren't the best.

Poor Strength & Fighting AbilityWithout the support of the supernatural, Zeo isn't somebody that should be on the field. Zeo excels in atmospheres where he can show of his mechanic knowledge, and give support in a safer environment. He works well in a team if people can see his abilities and help him when he asks.

Street Intellect】Since Zeo had spent so long fending for himself, he has incredible street smarts and knows his way around people if it's needed. He can be very good at playing a character if it gets him what he needs, although he doesn't always like to resort to that. Zeo is also very good at recognizing warnings signs.










It's no surprise that Zeo is difficult to get along with given his boisterous attitude and upfront hostility. Over time, he found that acting mean is easier then being kind, especially in such a unforgiving world he was raised in. He is cautious to a fault, unable to take people seriously unless he has a good reason to trust them... his reasons for distrusting  a person may not always be that honourable either. Given his history, Zeo's general dismissal of people makes sense, but it doesn't make him any less annoying.

But, Zeo does have his good sides. His emotions are always bared at face value, a trait he likes in other people as well. Being lonely also makes him a lot more agreeable if he is stuck with somebody for a while and he knows they don't like him— he is a lot more self aware then it initially seems like. If in a calm environment, Zeo can show a rich, creative side of himself that he usually saves for his job as a mechanic. Being in a good mood does wonders for his cooperation and he has quite a humourous side to him as well.

All of this, of course, comes from years of trauma and fear. Zeo refuses to be the victim that people assume he should be and this mentality guides all of his actions.




Although not the happiest with the turn of events, Zeo finds himself staying at the Hellsing manor and working there as a mechanic. After they allowed him more freedoms, he has been enjoying having a place where he is fed and mostly feels safe. Since his blood is so dangerous, Hellsing has their blood expert, Cécile Sweeney, researching for a way to mask his blood smell so Zeo can go safely back to the city. In the meantime, Zeo is working with Integra to find his old cult and find their paperwork on Zeo to see if they can find more information about his blood and resistances to Alucard's powers. 

Once they find the old cult location, they storm the abandoned building to find books and books of information on Zeo and his bloodline. Zeo is now trying to come to terms with the fact that he is partly angelic, when not one part of him suits that description. It also comes with the new information that he is completely immune to vampirism, leading to a whole new series of issues and studies just to see how far this really goes.

Could his blood really be the cure of vampirism or is something else going on?

"I guess you guys are alright... for now. Don't test your luck."



Hanging out in common areas
Fashion and trends
The supernatural
Trucks and motorcycles


Being in locked rooms
The dark
Discussing his scars
Explaining himself to others
Bland food

Extra Tidbits