RP Comfort Sheet

I only RP with people 1 on 1 in private that are at least 20 years old!

Username: Armota

Age: 28

Timezone: ADT | Atlantic Daylight Time (-0400)

Pronouns: They/Him

RP Locations

I prefer to have a place for our RPing, rather then it be in DMs or comments.

Typing Style

I range from script to multi-para, but my sweet spot is 1-2 paragraph(s). I do not like novel lengths as I prefer a more reactive style of RP.


Any more then 3 people (me included) and I find myself getting lost.


It honestly depends, but I am a chaotic being and don't mind my characters fooling around with others. If we want our characters together in a serious relationship though, I would prefer that character be exclusive to mine, even for AUs, unless we have discussed otherwise. Doesn't include polyships! Please talk to me about it separately.


I really love the dramatics, but I need them to recover or have a way of recovering if we haven't discussed anything otherwise. Angst is only good for flavour, I will not bathe in it.


I really love to write and discuss this sort of thing but I find the act really boring and stressful to write so I prefer to headcannon it or script the highlights!

My Personal Big No's

Overall, please just communicate! I love to talk about this stuff and I'd rather know what to avoid and what you enjoy beforehand, that way we can work through these things without having to worry about freaking each other out. Of course, a lot of this is just a guideline of things I have come to prefer myself but please ask if your curious about something on my lists - I will not be offended and am very happy to explain things in detail. I am very flexible!