"Im gettin' impatient, why don't we get this party started already?"

Name: Magni Craft

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Species:  Immortali Vampire

Age: 32

Orientation: Pansexual

Height: 6'4

Occupation: Bounty Hunter | Assassin

House: Valerian


Vampire — Imbuement

Magni uses this blood ability usually to aid in his already competent fighting style, much like one would use a buff. He usually leans to helping his dexterity or overall movement, but he will also focus the magic on specific areas of his body if the situation calls for it. Magni will also use this ability out of battle if he wants to get a lot of work done in a smaller amount of time, since it can be very useful for more then just fighting. 

The creativity of his magic comes from the way Magni will use it while fighting; He often swaps from things to boost mid fight as he takes blood from different enemies, catering his power to individual people he is fighting.








Magni is a man who is full of energy and charm, often seen socializing with friends or planning his next voyage. Despite not being on a ship now, Magni still is close with people as if he were on one, yearning to stay with friends and keeping bonds intact. He takes to people strongly if they come to trust him, becoming needy for their attention at times if he ever has doubts or needs a shoulder to lean on. Despite this, Magni isn't one to hold back his opinions or conflicts. He truly believes that nothing gets done by hiding the truth, especially from loved ones. Magni holds promises sacred, betrayal being the quickest way to break his heart and lose his trust.

Despite Magni's strong opinions, he is quick to get over annoyances from others and lets things roll off his back easily. He lives for playful banter and is incredibly competitive in challenges and day to day life. Magni will never turn down a fun time, especially if there is something valuable to win in the end. He strives to finish the things he starts, even if it is risky to accomplish.

Magni is a creative soul and loves to explore things out of his own realm of comfort. He picks up new hobbies easily, even if he does not always stick with them. Finding a way to waste time is important to him as traveling as a lot of lulls; he tries his best to keep busy, although this can make him a tad unorganized.


Timeline — TL;DR

Story Form

Trapped by his wealthy family, Magni was blessed to have been taken by his uncle Jean to explore the ocean. Life on sea was everything Magni could have ever hoped to be a part of despite the hardships that came to him. Arguments, tight quarters, sharing every reward and punishment... it was a lot for him when he was younger but thankfully he took to it naturally. By the time Magni was 15 he was an expert on ship duties, being a young vampire made his dexterity and agility very helpful. It was easy for Magni to aid the crew and ignore the sun's lethargic rays when the crew praised him and cared for his needs. Even when he lost his uncle Jean to a vicious battle with other pirates, Magni was surrounded by the crew as they mourned the loss together as a family. 

He felt like he belonged here.

Magni moved up in the ranks quickly after that, becoming first mate to his lovely captain. Him and Magni had developed a strong bond after Jean's passing since the two were close friends before Jean was killed. Once Magni turned 23, a group of new crewmates came aboard, and with them, a particular human with magic named William. Magni grew very attached to William in a short period of time, they clicked together like lost puzzle pieces. After a few years of sailing they were inseparable. William made the crew nervous in the beginning due to his quick relationship with Magni, but after awhile they began to accept him. Sailing and enjoying the time spent close to one another, Magni was in love with William but he knew since he was a human, despite his magic, would die very early into Magni's life. 

With the help William gave to the ship as their cartographer, it was hard for the crew to see the betrayal he was planning in secret. Short visits on land allowed him to communicate and sort out his attack very carefully. He loved Magni for a long time, but the realization of their life spans made William anxious, scared, and yearning for a plan B. He was a bit older and had advanced magic of his own, but as a human he knew he would die far too easily. As these thoughts corrupted his mind, it didn't take long for him to be targeted on land and offered a deal of power he couldn't refuse.

William needed more time... and the fates twisted in his favour with his lover, Magni, being a vampire.

On Magni's 30th birthday, William was shocked by Magni himself wanting to give him one of his vampire blessings. Without any talk of this beforehand, William took the opportunity before him. Magni is the crew's main offensive player, William wasted no time on his plan now that Magni was weakened and unable to fight due to the blessings effect. Once they hit land, William took in the last amount of love that Magni would give him... William knew he'd come to regret this decision, but it was too late to turn back.

The defeat was brutal, messy, and quick. William left the remaining crew with some important possessions but left with their riches, the ship, and Magni's heart.

 Magni was heartbroken. Empty. He craved revenge for the fallen.

His captain and the crew felt similarly, but knew there was nothing that could be done about it now. Taking in the comfort of who was left over, they spent a year mourning and building back their courage before splitting ways. They made a promise to not seek out William personally. They vow only to kill him if they came across him with their new lives, and gave each other scars to keep the memory; Magni getting one on his upper lip. It was a painful, yet necessary reminder as a traveler. Jean had always reminded Magni to look ahead, or he would never see the beauty of the world.

With that, Magni set off alone to explore a new world, yet he never ventured far from the coast.

Eventually, Magni reached a dock city and he picked up odd jobs here and there until he found bounty hunting; It was one of the only high paying jobs that people would give him as a vampire. He was just glad it paid well, the fighting and capturing was just a bonus since he was used to that as a pirate. On a job, a strange person who called themselves a Keeper gave him an invitation to a castle. He wasn't too sure about living in a castle, the last time he was in one he was just a child with his parents. It unnerved him, but Magni was never one to back down from a challenge. He thought on it for awhile before making his final decision.

After the job, Magni accepts the invitation, curious to see what new sights he would find.

"We all could learn a lot from a good adventure, what do'ya say?"



Artistic hobbies; painting, sewing, etc.
Sparing and wrestling
New experiences


Closed in spaces
Pestered about work
Rules and formalities

Extra Tidbits