"Er... please don't touch those leaves, they are fragile..."

Name: Casper Wood

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Height: 6'0

Age: 24

Orientation: Pansexual

Species: Human

Occupation: Plant Nursery Worker

Third eye: Open


3 Empathetic 2 Honest 1 Cautious 1 Worldly 3 Passion








Casper is a reserved but sweet individual that really takes the time to hone in his passions. He was raised without the struggles of social etiquette, but because of his late mother's hard work, Casper is a very considerate person despite his clumsy speech. He is always trying to be aware of his effects on other people, sometimes to the point of worrying, but it doesn't take much to reassure him. Casper does not really understand the strong bias's of other people, having been raised alone in a house his mother barely left him leave, so it can leave him floundering in situations where others may ridicule another for minor differences. He is rather blind to these social constructs, allowing him to be open to others.

Casper is a man who really takes people to heart and hopes other people do the same with him in return. He can come of a little blunt sometimes but the last thing he wants is to offend someone. Casper is rather fond of criticism, he likes to be told things he did wrong so he can work on fixing it; he is lonely and busy with work so the last thing he wants is to leave a friend with negative or unresolved feelings.

The lack of social structure in Casper's life has made him a soft soul and he is easy to overwhelm and upset. He tries not to get involved with weird people, but he can't see that very well and it can leave him in compromising situations. Casper is not very good in confrontation and would rather back down when things get uncomfortable. It is rare to anger him, most of those feelings deflating to more manageable emotions quickly.


Timeline — TL;DR

Story Form

Casper as a young child was bright and happy, yet he was born with a rather weak constitution due to his albinism. Not knowing much about these medical terms and effects, his mother, Lilian Wood, knew he struggled but tried to be as supportive as possible. They lived alone together in an old lakeside cottage that she inherited from her late husband, Silas Wood's, family. It was close to a nearby town, populated by very few so the community was tight and supported each other to get by. His mother had worked in a larger city working with the press before she got married and was pregnant with Casper. Together they left to this cottage to raise their new child in a better location, but Silas was sick and passed soon after he was born. Thus it left the two of them to start a new life.

Since his mother worked in the press, she was set on getting Casper reading at an early age and teaching him about all the things that Silas was passionate about. Casper was always involved in cooking meals and very quickly became enthralled with plants and nature after hearing that Silas was botanist. They weren't wealthy by any means, but Lilian and Silas worked hard to make this move work for them.

Without Casper really noticing, Lilian grew more worried about how Casper looked. With his white hair, eyelashes, and bright red-violet eyes, he looked nothing like herself or Silas and stuck out like a sore thumb to the community. Setting up play dates with other children only led to Casper coming home crying due to being overwhelmed by their questions and strange looks. He had always been so sensitive to others feelings and it hurt her to see Casper so confused.

Since she also feared losing Casper like she did Silas, Lilian grew over protective of Casper. Although she would begin to refuse many of his wants to go into town, she always made it up to Casper by doting on him and teaching him about things she learned throughout her and Silas's life. Casper barely noticed her growing paranoia and sheltering, he always saw the bright side of every situation, even when Lilian started to grow ill. He got used to the fact that him and his family were born with more weakness then other people and so he tried to appreciate what they had in the moment, taking life day by day. With this shift in perspective and his thoughts about the cycle of life his father used to study, as a late teen, Casper was already so mature on the topic of mortality.

At this point, Casper was majorly struggling with his sight, his eyes were getting worse and worse as the years went by but he learned to adjust with it and took in the support of his mother, who was bedridden by the time he was a young adult. Lilian had told him about getting glasses, but unfortunately, nobody in their town did that type of work so he never looked into it. Despite Lilian's worries, she couldn't stop him anymore from leaving the house if he wanted to take care of her. Casper found that a lot of what she told him was true, the townsfolk were kind but they treated him like he didn't belong there. 

For a boy that thrived on connection, Casper was disheartened. 

Finding himself content in his mothers last days, Casper and Lilian were bonded like no other by the time she passed. The grief was hard on him, of course, yet he had been waiting and preparing for it for many years. With his rock now gone, he suddenly felt lost for the first time in his life. He told the community about Lilian, and although they shared his grief momentarily, he realized quickly that they didn't treat him like family. Casper felt alone in this community that was supposed to be his... and that hit him harder then the grief.

After a year or so passes, Casper steadily gets awkward with other people, he finds it harder to relate to people then ever before. If he ever saw them at all. He forces himself to go into town anyway though, wandering and hoping somebody will need his attention or assistance. One day, news comes in from the press, it was somewhat old news, but it was rare and sparked that feeling of happiness for his mother. Over reading it he discovers the story of Eden's Hollow and how they are looking to rebuild a lost population due to fires.

For the first time in his life, Casper feels drawn to something like never before. Something new and possibly exciting for him. Thinking about it for days and weeks, Casper can't get the idea of moving there out of his head. With some assistance from the town, Casper packs up and heads there, looking for a new adventure.

"Thank you for taking the time to be here, I really appreciate it. Truly."



Leafy plants
Hot drinks and meals
Being  outside after it rains
Fantasy novels
Trying new things with others


Burning  smells
Cleaning up clutter
People staring at him
Being in the sun for extended periods


Being in the woods alone
Getting lost
Being hated
Poisonous plants

Extra Tidbits