ArMI 2021

a subtrack of HASOC @FIRE2021

The first Arabic Misogyny Identification shared task.


Participants who want to submit their systems need to follow the steps below:

  1. Register your team in the form below.

  2. Participants are allowed to submit up to 3 runs.

  3. Organizers will share the training and the test data following the mentioned dates.

  4. Participants will send their runs by email to the organizers.

  5. Once the results are declared, participants will be required to provide an abstract and a technical report including a brief description of their approach and experiments for the publication in the FIRE Proceedings. Technical papers should be of a maximum of ### pages (excluding references) following CEUR Proceedings.

Submission Format

The results file contains one tab-separated line per tweet formatted as follows:

Tweet_ID TAB Task1_Prediction TAB Task2_Prediction

For example:

1 Misogyny Damning

2 None None

3 Misogyny Discredit



The registration has been closed.