
In progress

'Political Aspects of Multinational Enterprises'

'Cyber-resilience of supply chains'

'Once again, learning by exporting. A dose-response approach shows non-linear effects' (with Cerulli G. and Micocci F.)

'Supply Chains, Takeovers, and Market Power' (with Bellucci C.)

'Machine learning detection of firms' geographic clusters' (with Exadaktylos D. and Miricola S.)

'Global Ownership. What is essential is invisible to the eye'

'The heterogeneous impact of the EU-Canada Agreement with causal machine learning' (with Fontagné L. and Micocci F.)

'Ownership chains in multinational enterprises' (with Miricola S. and Santoni G.)

'What do firms gain from patenting? The case of the global ICT industry' (with Exadaktylos D. and Ghodsi M.)

'Business groups as knowledge-based hierarchies of firms' (with Altomonte C., Ottaviano G. and Sonno T.), CEPR Discussion Paper No. 16677. CEPR Press.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

'Machine Learning for Zombie Hunting. Predicting Distress from Firms' Accounts and Missing Values', (with Bargagli-Stoffi F., Incerti F. and Riccaboni M.), forthcoming on Industrial and Corporate Change (2024)

'Talents from Abroad. Foreign managers and productivity in the United Kingdom', (with Exadaktylos D. and Riccaboni M.), International Economics, vol. 177, 100474 (2024).

'Navigating Uncertainty: Multinationals’ Investment Strategies after the Pandemic Shock', Italian Economic Journal, vol. 9 pages 967–996 (2023), in the Special Issue 'The Future of Global Value Chains and International Trade: An EU perspective'

Predicting exporters with machine learning’, (with Micocci F.), World Trade Review, vol. 22(5) pages 584-607 (2023). 


‘Measuring the input rank in global supply networks’, (with Fattorini L. and Huremovic K.), The World Economy, vol. 46 pages 3081-3115 (2023).


A neural network ensemble approach for GDP forecasting’ (with Longo L and Riccaboni M.), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 134, 104278 (2022).


COVID-19, social distancing and guests' preferences: impact on peer-to-peer accommodation pricing’ (with Hidalgo A., Riccaboni M., Velazquez). Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 25 (16), pages 2571-2577 (2022).


Backward and Forward Integration along Global Value Chains’, (with Del Prete D.), Review of Industrial Organization, 57: 263–283 (2020) in the Special Issue: ‘Global Value Chains: Inter-Industry Linkages, Trade Costs, and Policies.’


Cohesion Policy Meets Heterogeneous Firms’, (with Fattorini L. and Ghodsi M.), Journal of Common Market Studies, 58: 803– 817 (2020).


Heterogeneous Firms and the North–South Divide in Italy’, (with Biancalani F.), Italian Economic Journal 5, 325–347 (2019). 


The smile curve at the firm level: Where value is added along supply chains’, (with Del Prete D.), Economics Letters, 164, pp. 38-42 (2018).


Organizing the Global Value Chain: A firm-level test’, (with Del Prete D.), Journal of International Economics, 109, pp. 16-30 (2017).


On Economic Complexity and the Fitness of Nations’, (with Morrison G., Buldyrev S. V., Imbruno M., Doria Arrieta O.  A., Riccaboni M. and Pammolli, F.), Nature Scientific Reports, 7 (1). pp. 1-11 (2017)


Reputation and impact in academic careers’, (with Petersen A., Fortunato S., Pan R. K., Kaski K., Penner O., Riccaboni, M., Stanley H. E., Pammolli F.), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 111 (43). pp. 15316-15321 (2014).


The price of pharmaceutical products in Italy. On some recent trends’, (with Pammolli F. and Baio G.), Mercato Concorrenza Regole, 2/2014 pp. 265-282 (2014).

Import Penetration, Intermediate Inputs and Productivity: Evidence from Italian Firms’, (with Altomonte C. and Barattieri A.), The Journal of the Italian Economic Association, 55 (1). pp. 45-66 (2014).

Technical reports

'A Framework to Analyze the Position of European Firms in Global Value Chains', European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Publications Office of the European Union (2019).

Business Groups as Hierarchies of Firms: Determinants of Vertical Integration and Performance’ (with Altomonte C.). #1554/2013 European Central Bank (2013).


Global value chains during the great trade collapse: a bullwhip effect?’ (with Altomonte, C., Di Mauro F., Ottaviano G. and Vicard V.) #1412/2013 European Central Bank (2013). 

The Invisible Role of Business Groups is made Evident’. Review of Environment, Energy and Economics. pp. 1-5 (2012).


Le start-up come fenomeno regionale’. Impresa & Stato, 94. pp. 44-49 (2012).


Abundant Resources and Poor Development Opportunities’ (with Merler S.). Equilibri: rivista per lo sviluppo sostenibile, 3. pp. 403-420 (2010) .


Assessing the Competitive Behaviour of Firms in the Single Market: A Micro-based Approach’ (with Altomonte C., Nicolini M. and Ogliari L.), #409/2010 European Economy Economic Papers (2010). 

Chapters in Books / Books


'Foreign firms in Italy: between signs of recovery and new global risks ' (in Italian, with Faramondi A., Majocchi A., Monducci R., Ruocco A.), Rubbettino Editore ISBN: 978-8-849-877458 (2023).

'Resilience and Digital Disruption: Regional Competition in the Age of Industry 4.0’ (with Geuna A., Guerzoni M., Pammolli F.). Springer Nature ISBN 978-3-030-85158-3 (2021).


‘Global value networks’. In: The age of global value chains: maps and policy issues. CEPR Press, London, pp. 85-106. (with Altomonte C., Colantone I. and Sonno T.) ISBN 978-1-907142-91-8 (2015)


‘The European transport system: major challenges’. In: Liberalization of Transportation Services in the EU: the Polish Perspective. Polish Studies in Economics (6). Peter Lang, pp. 13-46 (with Michalek J. and Ghodsi M.). ISBN 978-3-631-65566-5 (2015)


‘Transportation services and global value chains’. In: Liberalization of Transportation Services in the EU: the Polish Perspective. Polish Studies in Economics (6). Peter Lang, pp. 47-108 (with Hagemejer, J.). ISBN 978-3-631-65566-5 (2015)


‘Global value chains during the Great Trade collapse: a bullwhip effect’. In: Firms in the international economy: firm heterogeneity meets international business. CESifo Seminar Series. MIT Press, pp. 277-308 (with Altomonte C., Di Mauro F. and Ottaviano G. and Vicard V.) ISBN 9780262019743 (2013)


‘Le catene globali del valore dei gruppi multinazionali in Italia’. In: L’Italia nell’economia internazionale: Rapporto ICE 2011-2012. ISTAT – Istituto per il Commercio Estero, pp. 1-10. (2011)