Contact info


Address:  Building 54, Room 10033

  58 Salisbury Rd, 

  Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK


About Me:   I am a lecturer (assistant professor) at University of Southampton. Before that I was a visiting assistant professor at  Ohio State University and a short term researcher at University of Vienna. Before that I was at Texas A&M, working with Rostislav Grigorchuk; and at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, working with Anna Erschler.  Prior to ENS I was a PhD student at Vanderbilt University working under the supervision of Alexander Olshanskii. I defended my thesis in 2018. I am interested in geometric, combinatorial and computational group theory; low-dimensional topology; computability and computational complexity theory, including the interplay between them. 

Here is my CV.



In Spring '24, I was teaching MATH 3078: Further Number Theory

In Spring '23, I was teaching MATH 2568 at OSU: Linear Algebra. The page for Section 27184 is here. The page for Section 27189 is here.

In Fall '22, I was teaching MATH 4530 at OSU: Probability. The material of the class can be found by following this link.

I am a member of the Maths Outreach team at University of Southampton. To learn more about our activities, visit:

In 2022/23 academic year, I was a co-organizer of the Topology and Geometric Group Theory Seminars at OSU.

From Spring of 2020 to Spring of 2022, I was the chair of TAMU's "Groups and Dynamics" seminar.