Biological Networks

国立遺伝学研究所 生命情報・DDBJセンター 有田・越水研究室 (DDBJ Arita  Koshimizu Laboratory) 

We analyze omics information  of all bio-species using informatics approach (general bioinformatics).

Target organisms include bacteria (Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Helicobacter), plants, and SARS-CoV-2.


教授 有田 正規
Masanori Arita

特命准教授 クリュコフ・キリル Kirill Kryukov
(Assoc. Professor)

助教 越水  静
Shizuka Koshimizu
(Assist Professor)

Computational Genomics

We are interested in the evolution of genes and genomes. Bacteria are good targets for the availability of large-scale genomic data. For Lactobacillaceae (family of lactic acid bacteria), we compare 178 strains from 24 genera to overview their adaptation and selection history. For  Bifidobacterium, we investigate ability of sugar utilization. For Helicobacter, we trace its co-evolution with human.


Computational Metabolomics

In metabolomics, we focus on the distribution of chemical molecules in plants and animals. To fully exploit obtained knowledge, integration and reanalysis of metabolomic and lipidomic data are essential. To achieve FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) metabolomics research, we create databases and software platforms for metabolite identification.

