Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Visualization on Scraped Data of Mobile from Flipkart

Some comments on the basis of the different plots and diagrams in Tableau

In this project, I have tried to do some EDA and Data Visualization on my previously scraped data which can be found here. I try to give some insights on my data on the basis of the diagrams plot on Tableau.

In my dataset Ratings named variable indicates how much people rate the particular product after buying from Flipkart. This can be a proxy of the particular numbers of the sold products. So, I use this to check which brand has the most ratings and also in which price (average) band the brand is situating.

Next, I've checked the relationship between Ratings and different features of the Mobile Phone & the relationship between Price and different features of the Mobile Phone and tried to make some comments on this.

After, I've tried to find the relationship between Price and Star. Star is variable scaled between 0-5 which indicates the quality of the phone based on the customer reviews. I found approximate log relation between these two variables and I also have grouped this average Star value by Brand Name with a colored filter of avg price brand wise.

All the above graphs are describing my findings for this particular dataset it can be extended as per requirements.

For complete results please check Tableau Public.