Interdisciplinary projects

Active Brownian Particles and contagion dynamics

Active Brownian Particles (ABP) describe the self-propelled motion of particles in dissipative environments. ABP can be implemented by introducing an N-body classical equation of motion with stochastic noise. In particular, ABP can be used to model the contagion dynamics of living agents that transmit an infectious disease in space and time. By performing ABP simulations and statistical analysis, it is possible to describe susceptible, infected, and recovered groups in terms of particle densities, activity, contagious rates, and random recovery times. 


   Ariel Norambuena, Felipe Valencia, and Francisca Guzmán-Lastra, Scientific Reports 10,  20845 (2020) 

Pablo de Castro, Felipe Urbina, Ariel Norambuena, and Francisca Guzmán-Lastra, arXiv:2303.17645


Francisca Guzmán-Lastra, Universidad de Chile

Pablo de Castro, ICTP Brazil