Travel Writing

Selected Commissions

Discovering Liguria

Flight Centre UK | Pocket Guide

How To Survive Your First Motorbike Trip

Sheswanderful | How-To Guide

24 Hours in Addis Ababa

Tourism Guide Africa | Pocket Guide

Fresh Starts & Hot Kilns

The Nopo Magazine | Profile Piece

Top 3 Budget Lodges in Malawi

Travelista Club | Listicle

Redemption in Knowledge

Medium Publication | Brand Profile

How To Survive Long Layovers

Flight Centre UK | How-To Guide

The Ultimate Foodies Tour of Mexico City

The Nopo Magazine | Food Tour

Budapest Like a Local

Travelista Club | Pocket Guide

Pamper Yourselt at Utengule Coffe Lodge

The Art of Procrastinating

Medium Publication | Blog Post

Designed to Heal

The Nopo Magazine | Brand Profile


Young Italians Around the World

Itala Diario | Interview (ITA)

The Explorer Series

Tales from the Banana Trail | Interview (ENG)

From London to Volunteering in Africa

Viaggiare da Soli | Interview (ITA)