Welcome to my webpage.

My name is Arian Khorasani. I'm currently a master's research-based student at the University of Montreal, Department of Computer Science and Operational Research (DIRO), and Mila - Quebec AI Institute.  I'm supervised by Professor Irina Rish and a member of the Canada Excellent Research Chair in Autonomous Artificial Intelligence  (CERC-AAI) lab. 

I'm working on Multivariate/Univariate Time series forecasting by focusing on Generative models, Neural Scaling Laws in different modalities, Transfer Learning, and Foundation models. Generally, I'm super interested in Large-Scale Models in ML domains, Neural Scaling Laws of deep networks, and also Time Series Forecasting. 

I'm fluent in Python by focusing on PyTorch, TensorFlow, Pandas, and other programming languages such as Java, C, C++, JavaScript, PHP, etc. 

I am a Machine Learning enthusiast, and One of my main goals during my academic career is to create beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). so I'm going for it.  

Research Interests 

