
Important Dates

      • Paper submissions: May 11, 2021 (anywhere in the world) - CLOSED

      • Paper notifications: May 25 , 2021

      • Camera-ready deadline for the final version of accepted papers: To be announced later

      • Paper Registration Date: To be announced later

      • Workshop date: August To be announced later

Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. We request you to submit Full papers - 5 pages (including 1 page for references). The review process will be double blind; therefore, authors must not write their names, contact details or affiliations in their papers at the time of submission.

Please use the IJCAI paper Template and the EasyChair portal for paper submission.

Note: The IJCAI workshop papers are non-archival. However, we will release an Easychair Workshop proceedings after the ARIAL Workshop. You are most welcome to submit the extended version of your accepted paper at ARIAL to other journals/conferences. However, exact copy of the accepted workshop paper is highly discouraged to avoid duplication.