Accepted Papers / Program

ARIAL Workshop Proceedings


Accepted Papers

  1. Nicklas Linz, Xenia Klinge, Johannes Tröger, Jan Alexandersson, Radia Zeghari, Philippe Robert and Alexandra König, Automatic Detection of Apathy using Acoustic Markers extracted from Free Emotional Speech.
  2. Sharare Zehtabian, Siavash Khodadadeh, Ross Pearlman, Bradley Willenberg, Brian Kim, Damla Turgut, Ladislau Boloni and Edward A. Ross, Supporting rehabilitation prescription compliance with an IoT-augmented four-legged walker.
  3. Christian Nordahl, Veselka Boeva, Håkan Grahn and Marie Netz, Organizing, Visualizing and Understanding Households Electricity Consumption Data through Clustering Analysis.
  4. Ameneh Boroomand, Jing Wei, Jennifer Boger, George Shaker, Alexander Wong and Plinio Morita, Autonomous Tracking of Older Adults’ Normal and Slow Walking Speeds Using 24GHz Radar.
  5. Julià Camps, Adam McCarthy, Blanca Rodríguez and Ana Mincholé, Deep learning based QRS Multilead Delineator in Electrocardiogram signals
  6. Edmund Durfee, Lynn Garrett and Abigail Johnson, Promoting Independence with a Schedule Management Assistant.
  7. Alina Miron and Crina Grosan, Classifying action correctness in physical rehabilitation exercises.
  8. Chitralekha Bhat, Bhavik Vachhani and Sunil Kumar Kopparapu, Automatic Classification of Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease using Audio Descriptors.
  9. Jacob Nogas, Shehroz Khan and Alex Mihailidis, Fall Detection from Thermal Camera Using Convolutional LSTM Autoencoder.
  10. Sina Akbarian, Ghazaleh Delfi, Kaiyin Zhu, Azadeh Yadollahi, Tilak Dutta and Babak Taati, Vision-Based Algorithms for Detecting Sleep Position.

***The ARIAL Workshop number is W25, and will be held in Room K14 on 15th July 2018. The venue is Stockholmsmässan Convention Center.


08:00-08:30 am - Registration

08:30-08:40 am - Introduction/Welcome

08:40-09:00 am - Linz et al.

09:00-09:20am - Zehtabian et al.

09:20-09:40 am - Nordahl et al.

09:40-10:00 am - Boroomand et al.

10:00-10:30 am - Coffee Break

10:30-10:50 am - Camps et al.

10:50-11:10 am - Durfee et al.

11:10-11:30 am - Miron and Grosan.

11:30-11:50 am - Bhat et al.

11:50-12:10 pm - Nogas et al.

12:10-12:20 pm - Akbarian et al.

12:20-12:30 pm - Conclusion and Discussion

12:30-14:00 pm - Lunch

14:00- 18:00 pm - Co-located workshop on Intelligent Conversation Agents in Home and Geriatric Care Applications