aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols areHTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink. aria2 can download afile from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximumdownload bandwidth. It supports downloading a file from HTTP(S)/FTP/SFTP and BitTorrent at the same time, while the data downloaded fromHTTP(S)/FTP/SFTP is uploaded to the BitTorrent swarm. Using Metalinkchunk checksums, aria2 automatically validates chunks of data whiledownloading a file.

Downloads the URIs listed in FILE. You can specify multiple sources for asingle entity by putting multiple URIs on a single line separated by theTAB character.Additionally, options can be specified after each URI line. Option linesmust start with one or more white space characters (SPACE or TAB)and must only contain one option per line.Input files can use gzip compression.When FILE is specified as -, aria2 will read the input from stdin.See the Input File subsection for details.See also the --deferred-input option.See also the --save-session option.

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--max-concurrent-downloads limits the number of itemswhich are downloaded concurrently. --split and--min-split-size affect the number of connectionsinside each item. Imagine that you have an input file (see--input-file option) like this:

Here is 2 download items. aria2 can download these itemsconcurrently if the value more than or equal 2 is given to--max-concurrent-downloads. In each download item, youcan configure the number of connections using --split and/or --min-split-size, etc.

Check file integrity by validating piece hashes or a hash of entirefile. This option has effect only in BitTorrent, Metalink downloadswith checksums or HTTP(S)/FTP downloads with--checksum option. Ifpiece hashes are provided, this option can detect damaged portionsof a file and re-download them. If a hash of entire file isprovided, hash check is only done when file has been alreadydownload. This is determined by file length. If hash check fails,file is re-downloaded from scratch. If both piece hashes and a hashof entire file are provided, only piece hashes are used. Default:false

Continue downloading a partially downloaded file.Use this option to resume a download started by a web browser or anotherprogram which downloads files sequentially from the beginning.Currently this option is only applicable to HTTP(S)/FTP downloads.

Use a proxy server for all protocols. To override a previouslydefined proxy, use "". You also can override this setting and specify aproxy server for a particular protocol using --http-proxy,--https-proxy and --ftp-proxy options. This affects alldownloads.The format of PROXY is [http://][USER:PASSWORD@]HOST[:PORT].See also ENVIRONMENT section.

If true is given, aria2 just checks whether the remote file isavailable and doesn't download data. This option has effect onHTTP/FTP download. BitTorrent downloads are canceled if true isspecified. Default: false

If aria2 receives "file not found" status from the remote HTTP/FTPservers NUM times without getting a single byte, then force thedownload to fail. Specify 0 to disable this option. This optionsis effective only when using HTTP/FTP servers. The number of retryattempt is counted toward --max-tries, so it should beconfigured too.

netrc file is only read at the startup if--no-netrc is false.So if --no-netrc is true at the startup,no netrc is available throughout the session.You cannot get netrc enabled even if you send--no-netrc=false usingaria2.changeGlobalOption().

For network addresses with a subnet mask, both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses work.The current implementation does not resolve the host name in an URI to comparenetwork addresses specified in --no-proxy. So it is only effectiveif URI has numeric IP addresses.

You cannot specify a file name for Metalink or BitTorrent downloads.The file name specified here is only used when the URIs fed to aria2are given on the command line directly, but not when using--input-file, --force-sequential option.

Specify the file name to load performance profile of the servers. Theloaded data will be used in some URI selector such as feedback.See also --uri-selector option. SeeServer Performance Profilesubsection below for file format.

Download a file using N connections. If more than N URIs are given,first N URIs are used and remaining URIs are used for backup. Ifless than N URIs are given, those URIs are used more than once sothat N connections total are made simultaneously. The number ofconnections to the same host is restricted by the--max-connection-per-server option.See also the --min-split-size option.Default: 5

Some Metalinks regulate the number of servers to connect. aria2strictly respects them. This means that if Metalink defines themaxconnections attribute lower than N, then aria2 uses thevalue of this lower value instead of N.

Select a piece closest to the beginning of the file. This is useful forviewing movies while downloading. --enable-http-pipelining optionmay be useful to reduce re-connection overhead. Note that aria2 honors--min-split-size option, so it will be necessary to specifya reasonable value to --min-split-size option.

When starting to download a file, select a piece closest to the beginningof the file like inorder, but then exponentially increases spacebetween pieces.This reduces the number of connections established, whileat the same time downloads the beginning part of the file first. This isuseful for viewing movies while downloading.

Specify URI selection algorithm. The possible values are inorder,feedback and adaptive. If inorder is given, URI is tried inthe order appeared in the URI list. If feedback is given, aria2uses download speed observed in the previous downloads and choosefastest server in the URI list. This also effectively skips deadmirrors. The observed download speed is a part of performanceprofile of servers mentioned in --server-stat-of and--server-stat-if options. If adaptive is given, selects one ofthe best mirrors for the first and reserved connections. Forsupplementary ones, it returns mirrors which has not been testedyet, and if each of them has already been tested, returns mirrorswhich has to be tested again. Otherwise, it doesn't select anymoremirrors. Like feedback, it uses a performance profile of servers.Default: feedback

If you build with OpenSSL or the recent version of GnuTLS whichhas gnutls_certificate_set_x509_system_trust() function andthe library is properly configured to locate the system-wide CAcertificates store, aria2 will automatically load thosecertificates at the startup.

AppleTLS users should use the KeyChain Access utility to import the clientcertificate and get the SHA-1 fingerprint from the Information dialogcorresponding to that certificate.To start aria2c use --certificate=.Alternatively PKCS12 files are also supported. PEM files, however, are notsupported.

Send HTTP authorization header only when it is requested by theserver. If false is set, then authorization header is always sentto the server. There is an exception: if user name and password areembedded in URI, authorization header is always sent to the serverregardless of this option. Default: false

Send Cache-Control: no-cache and Pragma: no-cache header to avoidcached content. If false is given, these headers are not sentand you can add Cache-Control header with a directive you likeusing --header option. Default: false

Use a proxy server for HTTPS. To override a previously defined proxy,use "".See also the --all-proxy option. This affects all https download.The format of PROXY is [http://][USER:PASSWORD@]HOST[:PORT]

Set an http referrer (Referer). This affects all http/https downloads.If * is given, the download URI is also used as the referrer.This may be useful when used together with the--parameterized-uri option.

Save Cookies to FILE in Mozilla/Firefox(1.x/2.x)/ Netscapeformat. If FILE already exists, it is overwritten. Session Cookiesare also saved and their expiry values are treated as 0. PossibleValues: /path/to/file

Set FTP password. This affects all URIs.If user name is embedded but password is missing in URI, aria2 triesto resolve password using .netrc. If password is found in .netrc,then use it as password. If not, use the password specified in thisoption.Default: ARIA2USER@

Set checksum for SSH host public key. TYPE is hash type. Thesupported hash type is sha-1 or md5. DIGEST is hexdigest. For example:sha-1=b030503d4de4539dc7885e6f0f5e256704edf4c3. This option canbe used to validate server's public key when SFTP is used. If thisoption is not set, which is default, no validation takes place.

Set file to download by specifying its index.You can find the file index using the --show-files option.Multiple indexes can be specified by using ,, for example: 3,6.You can also use - to specify a range: 1-5., and - can be used together: 1-5,8,9.When used with the -M option, index may vary depending on the query(see --metalink-* options).

In multi file torrent, the adjacent files specified by this option mayalso be downloaded. This is by design, not a bug.A single piece may include several files or part of files, and aria2writes the piece to the appropriate files.

Exclude seed only downloads when counting concurrent activedownloads (See -j option). This means that if -j3 isgiven and this option is turned on and 3 downloads are active andone of those enters seed mode, then it is excluded from activedownload count (thus it becomes 2), and the next download waiting inqueue gets started. But be aware that seeding item is stillrecognized as active download in RPC method. Default: false

Allow hook command invocation after hash check (see -Voption) in BitTorrent download. By default, when hash checksucceeds, the command given by --on-bt-download-completeis executed. To disable this action, give false to this option.Default: true

Comma separated list of BitTorrent tracker's announce URI toremove. You can use special value * which matches all URIs, thusremoves all announce URIs. When specifying * in shellcommand-line, don't forget to escape or quote it. See also--bt-tracker option. 152ee80cbc

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