RV Kaharoa

Champion Argo Deployer!

NIWA’s second-largest research vessel is the RV Kaharoa. She is less than half the size of the RV Tangaroa (only 28 m in length) but has made some awesome voyages!

The RV Kaharoa has deployed more Argo Floats than any other vessel sailing over 76 996 nautical miles as far afield as Chile, California, and Mauritius.

The RV Kaharoa has an award for being a "World Champion Argo Float Deployer". Most Argo Floats get deployed off the side of regular container ships but the RV Kaharoa goes places away from regular shipping routes- she's one gutsy gal! There are over 3500 Argo Floats in the ocean. The RV Kaharoa has deployed over 1300 of them!