AR Games Studio Privacy Policy

This page is used to inform visitors of our (AR Games Studio) policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information if anyone decides to use our services. If you choose to use our services, you agree to the collection and use of information related to this policy. The personal information we collect is used to provide and improve our services.


AR Games Studio will not use or share your information with anyone, except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy.


If you do not agree to Privacy Policy of AR Games Studio, please do not install, use, register or otherwise access the Service. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, so please check back frequently. Your continued use of the Service will constitute your acceptance of changes to this Privacy Policy.


Information collection and use by AR Games Studio:


In order to obtain a better experience, when using our services, we (AR Games Studio) may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to personal information. The information we request will be retained by us and used as described in this Privacy Policy.


In this Privacy Policy, "personal information" refers to personally identifiable information that can identify you personally. AR Games Studio may use your personal data to send you information and/or commercial content about AR Games Studio services or third-party products and services. These messages will cover new features and services, special offers and updates that AR Games Studio thinks may be of interest to you.


Security of Information AR Games Studio Collects:

We at “AR Games Studio” value your trust in providing us with your personal information, so we are working to use commercially acceptable means to protect it. Prevent unauthorized online access to personal information. AR Games Studio stores personal data behind firewall-protected servers.


Children's Privacy Rights: (COPPA Complaint):

Our (AR Games Studio) apps or games are intended for a general audience of all ages; however, our apps are assigned an age rating before downloading the app. We comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"). We do not collect, store or use any information from users of the Services who identify as children under this age. We also do not allow third-party partners to access the personally identifiable information of users under 13 years of age. When we receive personal information from children, we will promptly and securely delete such personal information.


AR Games Studio’s Family Design Policy:

All of our apps participating in the Designed for Families program contain child-related and kid-friendly apps and advertising content and only use certified apps Programmatic advertising SDK. Apps approved for use in the Family Fun Program will always meet all program requirements.


Disclosure of personal information to third parties

AR Games Studio may disclose personal data to parents, support staff or professional cooperative partners outside our organization so that they can provide their type of assistance, such as IT professional organizations, information storage, facilitation and server providers, public relations or investigation phase.


Following are links to the privacy policies of external service providers:

Unity :

Admob :


What are cookies and how AR Games Studio uses them:

This service does not explicitly use "cookies". However, these applications may use third-party code and libraries that use "cookies" to collect information and improve their services. You can choose to accept or reject these cookies and learn when a cookie is delivered to your device. If you choose to reject our cookies, you may not be able to use certain parts of the Service.


Changes to this policy:

We may change our “AR Games Studio” security policy at our sole discretion to reflect updates to our business processes, current OK practices or authoritative or administrative changes. Assuming we choose to change this protection policy, we will post progress here in a similar manner to let you know about this security policy. Where legally necessary, we will obtain your authorization or provide you with the opportunity to opt-in or opt-out of any new uses of your own data.


Effective Date: 16 December 2023


Still have questions?

If you have any questions or suggestions about AR Games Studio’s privacy policy, please feel free to contact us through the following methods:

