The Team

Computing Education

Reyes Gonzalez

Research Topic: Computational and Adversarial Thinking: How to Intersect Both Reasonings in the Classrooms

About: Fundamentals in Computer Science (a.k.a. CS I and CS II) are often taught using a variety of pedagogical techniques. However, due to the high demand for cybersecurity awareness and the so-called “Secure Coding”, a demand for developing computational thinking skills along with cyber awareness is needed. We recognize that computational thinking and adversarial thinking share common ground. In this project, we study the potential intersection of these two reasonings models to achieve a Cyber Computational Thinking Methodology that can be disseminated in the Fundamentals in Computer Science. 


Isabelle Ivey

Research Topic: Advantages and Improvements in Cybersecurity Practices using Obfuscating Code: From Analysis to Evaluation Reversing Tools

About: Obfuscated code is a technique used in computer programming to increase the complexity of readability of computer programs. This technique, despite as an old technique to “encrypt” code mechanics, is currently used in reverse engineering to deceive intelligent malware that exploits computing systems. This project aims to recognize benchmarks and complexities of obfuscated code that will permit a decrease in cyberattacks on computer systems.

Brian Rodiles

Research Topic: Improving Cybersecurity in Windmills: Towards Creating Green and Secure Technologies in Renewable Energy Systems

About: As wind power has become one of the most popular sources of renewable energy in the world, integrated control systems have become an increasingly important and urgent matter. Because wind farms are increasingly cyber-connected systems, they are at risk of interruptions, lost revenue, and even physical damage as the result of cyber intrusions. The project is aimed to identify vulnerabilities, raise awareness, and formulate strategies for cybersecurity defense, responses, and future protection.

Data Science and Analysis

Diego Peña

Research Topic: Inspecting Emojis and Social Media Reactions: Towards Recognizing Intentions Behind Reactions in Social Media Using Pattern Recognitions

About: Social Media is a common form of sharing of information, including ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. Challenges appear when these forms of expressions affect other users, particularly emotionally. In this project, we explore possible intentions to react to social media posts/comments. The ultimate goal is to create a systematic way to anticipate reactions from social media posts and recognize users’ profiles that post these reactions by using machine learning tools.

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI)

Fernando Muñoz

Research Topic: How to Program Fairness in Intelligent Systems: Breaking Status Quo Solutions by Using Explainable AI

About: Traditional Artificial Intelligent systems are rule-based systems that perform operations based on logical and socially accepted decisions, also known as status quo solutions. Challenges appear when these decisions overlooked situations that are in disadvantage equity and fairness. The project explores alternative ways to perform decision-making considering fairness factors in intelligent systems. The problem is based on Philosophical Problem: The Trolley Dilemma, this time using intelligent systems such as Autonomous Vehicles.