PTO Board Descriptions

Officer Descriptions

Allen Road Elementary PTO


Preside over all meetings of this organization and all meetings of the Executive Board

Create an agenda for monthly PTO meetings and execute said agenda accordingly.

o Copies of said agenda will be made available to all Executive Board members prior to meeting and copies distributed at the meeting.

Maintain a good working relationship with the Principal and school staff.

o All requests, correspondence within building from PTO should flow through the President and Principal.

Serve as ‘good will ambassador” representing Allen Road Elementary on district/community committees.

Oversee all day to day PTO activities.

Upon retirement he/she will act in an advisory capacity.

Will input all building usage requests for meetings and events sponsored by PTO.

Act as liaison between Treasurer and the committees requesting funds.

Should be present at all events and meetings.

Vice President(s)

Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.

Will serve as committee advisor for all committees and coordinator positions

o Will report the progress of said committees to the President.

Will perform any duties involved with additional passive fundraising (i.e. Square One Art).

Will oversee coordination of appreciation cards, gifts, weeks and day celebrations.

Should be present at all events and meetings.


Receive and keep funds safe.

Only pay out approved and passed, by majority vote, items from the PTO meetings.

Deposit any funds received within 10 days.

Will make a monthly report and present to the Executive Board and at monthly meetings.

Prepare annual report of expenses, income and disbursements.

File federal and sales taxes and complete liability insurance.

Create annual budget.

Should be present at all events and meetings and oversee cash boxes and income flow.

Maintain the tax exempt status for the PTO.

Recording Secretary

Will keep minutes of all proceedings and record the same.

Will send minutes to the President within one week of each meeting.

Present a copy of all minutes to the Executive Board, Principal and to general assembly at meetings.

Forward a copy of minutes to the Publicity Chair so they may be uploaded to the PTO website.

Should be present at all events and meetings.

Corresponding Secretary

Responsible for any and all thank you notes for committees and volunteers. Should be completed within 1 week of event.

Responsible for timely birthday cards to all Allen Road staff members

o Receive list from ARE secretary.

Will work with committee chairs to arrange and oversee volunteers for all events and meetings.

Will work with assigned Vice President to coordinate appreciation cards, gifts, weeks and day celebrations for teachers and building staff.

Should be present at all events and meetings.

Publicity Chairperson

Responsible for all public relations for Allen Road Elementary.

Will coordinate ARE hallway calendar by the 1st of each month.

Responsible for creating a publicity calendar to coordinate social media advertisements and announcements.

Oversee PTO Board and Sign Up genius in conjunction with Corresponding Secretary for volunteers.

Keep ARE PTO website up to date with information regarding events, meeting minutes/agenda, etc.

Should be present at all events.

ASE Coordinator

Arrange diverse after school programs for the students.

Coordinate volunteers for each program. Work with publicity coordinator and/or corresponding secretary if need be.

Responsible for creating and distributing ASE packet.

Create student lists for each program and distribute to staff and volunteers for ASE programs.

Collect money and get it to the treasurer prior to the onset of each program.

Facilitate bills for the programs with the treasurer.

Work with Principal to confirm and approve spaces, vendors and programs prior to each marking period.

Communicate with family members to confirm their students’ space in the program on a rolling basis.

Should be present at all events.

Donation Coordinator

Work with the President and Vice Presidents to manage donation needs for events and programs.

Coordinate requests and a database to keep record of donors, asks and receipts.

Create and send out donation letters for various events or create an annual request and organize the prizes for each.

Maintain records and work with the correct Executive Team members to assure sponsor benefits are met.

Work with Corresponding Secretary to be sure thank you letters are done in a timely manner.

Should be present at all events.

Apparel Coordinator

Organize fall and spring apparel sale.

Operate apparel sales at designated ARE events.

Work with President for additional items, such as Principal and teacher apparel gifts.

Work with President and Publicity Chairperson to coordinate messaging to building and public.

Should be present at all events.

Yearbook Coordinator

In conjunction with the Publicity Chairperson create a yearbook for each school year.

Secure photographer(s) for each event.

Work with Lifetouch or other company on yearbook deadlines.

Work with Board to coordinate messaging to building and families in regards to the purchasing of yearbooks.

Should be present at all events.