Are disinfectant wipes safe to use?

When cleaning and disinfecting, ensuring that the environment is safe is at the top of our list, but convenience is a close second. We want to make sure that the surfaces we are disinfecting have been thoroughly cleaned, but we don’t want to spend hours working on the same area – this is time that could be spent elsewhere. The introduction of the disinfectant wipe has been a game changer when it comes to elevating your cleaning processes. A high-quality, hospital-grade disinfectant wipe that is quick, convenient and safe to use while offering extremely powerful protection. What is not to love? We’ve put together a quick guide on how safe disinfectant wipes are to use, and why they should be your next purchase.

How safe are disinfectant wipes?

Some powerful disinfectant wipes are on the market, and with so many different options available to buy it is important to know if they are suitable for your requirements. The first step is to clarify and understand the difference between disinfectant wipes and sanitising wipes. Most sanitising wipes are safe to use on various surfaces, including hands and skin. Sanitising wipes can help to prevent the transmission of illnesses by reducing the number of bacteria on surfaces and by reducing the spread from skin-to-skin contact. Disinfectant wipes are generally too harsh for use on sensitive or delicate surfaces, and thanks to their amazing cleaning properties they are usually used on equipment and hard surfaces. While sanitising wipes are designed for lighter applications and skin use, disinfectant wipes are ideal for a more thorough and powerful clean.

The benefits of using disinfectant wipes


Disinfectant wipes are highly effective in killing bacteria and pathogens, with many wipes killing up to 99.9% of bacteria. They are also proven to eliminate viruses and germs from hard surfaces, meaning you can effectively maintain a safer environment for your family, employees and customers. Having a clean environment is essential for healthcare facilities, disinfectant wipes will help you to maintain the proper level.

Simple and quick to use

One of the main advantages of using disinfectant wipes is how quick and simple they are to use. Whether you are looking for a quick wipe down after a day in the office, or you need a more powerful, deep clean, you will be able to complete the job using disinfectant wipes. They can be carried around easily and used at any time in any place.

Environmentally friendly

In recent years, there has been a focus on cleaning products becoming more environmentally friendly to help protect both animal and environmental health. This means that many disinfectant wipes are now biodegradable and flushable, as well as containing less chemicals. Don’t worry, they will still have the powerful clean that you are looking for, it just means that you can dispose of them without having to worry about the damage being caused to the environment.

Suitable for use in multiple environments

The best thing about disinfectant wipes is their suitability for use in multiple environments. Whether you work in the healthcare sector and are looking for hospital hand wipes, or you work in an office and want to keep everyone healthy and stop those coughs from spreading, disinfectant wipes rea suitable for everywhere. They can be used in any cleaning process, from wiping down small spillages to cleaning office equipment, and they will ensure that hygiene levels remain high everywhere. 


Disinfectant wipes are extremely efficient and handy and can be used for quick yet powerful cleans. They are ideal for wiping down dirty surfaces and they will not leave behind any residue so you know that you can keep your family and staff safe at all times.

How to choose the right disinfectant wipes

It can be overwhelming when you start to look for your disinfectant wipes. With so many choices on the market, it can be not easy to know which will be the best option for your requirements. Not to worry – we’ve partnered up with some of the top wipe manufacturers in the UK to add our Unique Disinfectant Formula to a range of hospital and vet disinfectant wipes! MediLU is a revolutionary all-in-one that is a medical-grade disinfectant with a powerful broad spectrum that can be used on all hard surfaces, in the air, on your skin and as an instrument disinfectant.  It prevents pathogen mutation and contains no substances of concern meaning it is non-toxic and safe for humans and animals.

Our patented formula is entirely plant-based and works on 4 main components – lactic acid, tartic acid, peppermint oil and lavender oil. These active substances penetrate the cell walls of bacteria and viruses and, once inside, they will drop the pH of the cell and eventually kill the cell. Our UDF will not allow the development of resistance, so you know that you can use it time and time again with the same powerful and effective results. If you would like more information then get in touch with our friendly team today.