This is the first board based on the Nrf52840 and thus there is no existing Arduino core for this board which means they would face some challenge to have Arduino running on it. They went for a smart solution by deciding to run Arduino Core on top of MBED OS to be able to use all the works already done by MBEDOS to integrate the nrf52840 chip. This is explain on their blog if you are curious: -we-chose-to-build-the-arduino-nano-33-ble-core-on-mbed-os/

This part is tricky since my original goal is to use the arduino bootloader to upload my code to the board without any other tools. It took me some time to understand how to do it but hopefuly i got some help here -nRF528x-mbedos/issues/19 and so i decided to use BOSSAC which is the same tools used by the arduino IDE. You can see it in the logs if you activate the extra logs in the IDE.

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I re-use the bossac binary that is shipped with the arduino IDE and added an option to upload at address 0x10000. You need to press twice the reset button on the board to force the bootloader to run forever before starting the upload command.

Now part of the mystery of platformIO is beeing revealed, if we navigate to where the framework-mbed is we find the rest of the company, and it tells already that the arduino is using the stm32duino, the tool-stlink that we'll see later on,...

and there we see that this blue pill supports mbed and arduino by this current platformIO version, we even have a link to the official ST datasheets. The Generic vendor is about the BluePill which design is Open I think.

There is some information on chiphacker about using an arduino to control stepper motors (I'm driving Bipolar, 4 wire, motors), however I'm finding it hard to know how to control a stepper motor using my mbed device.

We're porting over some software to the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. This board comes with an nRF52840 clocked at a max. of 64MHz. However, the same code runs about 2x slower on this board than on the ST L475VG platform, which also spans a Cortex-M4F (running at 80MHz). This makes me suspect that we're not running the board at the max. frequency (but rather at 16MHz or something). The only place where the main clock is defined seems to be here: -nRF528x-mbedos/blob/beac74ca3cd9d07363f66cf9cda6b143e4385cd2/cores/arduino/mbed/targets/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF5x/TARGET_NRF51/TARGET_MCU_NRF51822_UNIFIED/sdk/nrf_drv_config.h#L60, which should be 64MHz. Both targets are using Mbed OS underneath.

Git Repo for the Hello world samples _IoT_HelloWorldSamples Content01_pio_mbed_BlinkLed : using mbed from PlatformIO02_pio_arduino_BlinkLed : using Arduino from PlatformIO

03_pio_mbed_Pwm : pwm signal on pin PB_4 with 20 ms period

04_pio_mbed_uart : 2 UARTS Serial3 for log and Serial2 with uart callback echo character05_pio_mbed_nRF : Not finished, mbed libraries from within platformIO was a bit confusing06_mbed_cli_Hello_BluePill : Switching to the mbed command line (using version 2 here)

07_mbed_cli_os_Hello_BluePill : switch to the os which is version 5

08_mbed_cli_os_BluePill_Target : adapted the mbed-os to compile for the Bluepill target

09_mbed_cli_nRF : STM32 with the #Home Smart Mesh RF configuration

10_hello_servomotor : simple servo motor examples11_servo_uart_control : UART interface to control a servo motor from a Raspberry Pi using a Playstation 4 Joystick, the Raps code is here. Note that the PWM is 16 bits and the Joystick refresh rate is 10 ms for a 20 ms servo period, so the control cannot be more fluent.

Testing the Servo UART protocolBelow we can see the binary command going out of the Raspberry pi, the anylzer is beeing smart here changing the values randomly to characters or ascii code depending on his wish.The STM32 with its 72MHz handles an UART callback in 21 us. 4x times faster than one character duration. The last interrupt contains the printf which is in text so takes much longer ~ 1.5 ms.Still 8.5 ms are free in the 10 ms period in which the Raspberry pi is sending new servo position commands.Every 10 ms the rasp polls the joystick and if there is an update, sends a new servo command.

The context of this project is the STM32 Bluepill, Arduino might be better for 8bits or AVR, but for the Bluepill, mbed defeats arduino on its own field of excellence which is the simplicity of use for the very simple peripherals. PlatformIO here again shows how easy it is to compare different frameworks by still using the same commands.

The target "BLUEPILL_F103C8" not recognised (only recognized in platformIO) you have to build for the Nucleo. Reason behind this is that the Blue pill does not have an mbed drag and drop ability, I find this reason funny. so here the hack is the already patched main including the right header before mbed.h and very important is to call yourself the confSysClock();

I will have another go with the arduino getting started and see if i can use some of that sketch, however, I am a bit confused over TLS/ ra cert. To confirm, using the free hive mq cloud pathway, I think I saw that I needed to include the RA cert, is that right? ff782bc1db

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