The new major release of the Arduino IDE is faster and even more powerful! In addition to a more modern editor and a more responsive interface it features autocompletion, code navigation, and even a live debugger.

Program using IEC 61131-3 languages and mix Arduino sketches through Arduino PLC IDE! Configure easily your pre-mapped resources and get quick no code fieldbus support, dive into your code analysis thanks to the wide set of debugging tools.

Arduino Led Code

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Active development of the Arduino software is hosted by GitHub. See the instructions for building the code. Latest release source code archives are available here. The archives are PGP-signed so they can be verified using this gpg key.

I have prepared the attached example sketch in the hope that it will be a suitable model. I have tested it on an Uno and a Mega. I have called it "SeveralThingsAtTheSameTime.ino". (It seems to be too long to show the code directly in this post)

I have deliberately designed the sketch as a series of short functions. Short pieces of code are much easier to understand and debug and it will be an easy matter for a user to delete functions that they don't need or to duplicate and modify functions if they need more of the same (for example to flash 5 LEDS at different intervals).

CodingBadly's comment is that if your loop takes - say - 5 millisec to execute (because of some not-yet-written heavy calculation code), then the LEDs will blink at the interval+5ms. By adding "interval" to the "timer" (not the measured millis() value) you get it to run at the "interval" rate. For a "real" project it may be desirable to include the loop overhead/jitter, for some you want a steady rate.

When your things are each implemented in separate self-contained functions s in the original example, I also like to define the state data as local static variables rather than globals. Reducing the scope is beneficial in its own right but in particular this makes copy/paste much safer, and that's something that I would expect novice coders to be doing a lot when starting from examples like this. For example:

I did consider static local variables but personally I prefer the simplicity and visibility of globals when I'm working with such a small memory space. (I wouldn't do that with PC code). Also I was trying to limit the amount of new stuff that a newbie has to take in.

The basic problem is that the code may not evaluate the condition at the precise instant that the interval has elapsed. Suppose for the sake of argument that you were trying to take some action every 100ms and your loop took 5ms to execute. The original code would take up to 5ms to notice that the interval had elapsed. Since the next interval is calculated based on the value of millis() at the point where we notice the interval elapsed, this means the next interval will be delayed by up to 5ms too. In effect, any latency noticing that the condition is true will cause all subsequent processing to slip.

The preferred approach always schedules the next event based on when the current event became due, not when the code noticed that it had occurred. This avoids slippage when there is any latency noticing the event.

Every time I try to post code a notice pops up about using code tags. Also, every time I try to post code, people jump down my throat about using the proper code tags. I have tried to read what to do concerning code tags, and remain confused. I am not the only one, because I see posts where others are confused also. In "all" of the text books I have read, code tags were done with these //.

I am trying my best to understand this exactly what does that means and how is that used in a code tag? I am sick of seeing of seeing people tell me to use the code tag how is it used? Do you use or this/, or all of it? Does it mean I am to use one slash instead of two? Also, where does one use * , where does one use */ ? What other code tags are there? The only way I will understand is through examples, because I have read and do not understand.

Here is how I have been doing it. // Make the code loop.

Please write in the correct code tags to: Make the code loop.

How can I end the notice popping up about using code tags?

Code tags are used so that the code is properly displayed in the forum post you are making or responding to. It has nothing to do with the actual code itself. You are confusing C/C++ comments with code tags. Code tags are for the forum.

gcjr I went to the bar above the edit window. All that is above the edit window is the words Sketch and the date and Arduino 1.8.9 See what I mean? Confusing! I can't locate where you are talking about.

ToddL 1962 So all code tags does is highlight in red with the code in order and { and } in the proper places? I still don't know how to get to what I click on to post with code tags. I need to know what to click on and where it is at?

@KeithHilton ,as you have demonstrated some confusion over these "code tags " and the usage , another way to post code to the forum and make people happy is to use ctrl +E keys and post the code between the "tags" when presented as : Preformatted text

ToddL 1962 I finally figured out where the is located. People kept saying tool bar, edit. I was going to the sketch tools, and sketch edit. It is the in the post or reply window! My G------- how confusing. If code tags are so life and death important why are they so difficult to find? Think about that, I not a stupid person, and I have had a heck of a time trying to find something that should be simple to find.

ToddL 1962 In line one 1. Highlight and copy code from the editor. Where is the editor? When I click on copy for forum a message comes up at the bottom that says---Code formatted for Arduino Forum has been copied to clipboard. I can't find the clip board to do anything else!

After all this help I still doubt that I can post and make people happy with code tags. Can I simply hit and build my sketch around what comes up?

In the IDE editor window, right click and:

cpyForForum517621 43.6 KB

The code tags will be inserted automatically, then in the forum reply window, put your mouse pointer where you want, right click and paste.

Actually Grumpy_Mike I am not sure of that! Not sure if I am running a quart low in the head--ha,ha,ha,ha! I am running Windows. Been running Windows since 1998. Built 3 or 4 computers from parts order off of the internet. No training in how to run a computer, or build one, maybe that's my problem. Have made my living building electronics and selling them all over the world close to 30 years. Here is my website Maybe my biggest problem is I am an old guy 78 years old---but I think my all my marbles are still in my head. At least I hope so! I am a Drafted service disabled Vietnam War Marine--and yes I do have PTSD--and---If you don't know what PTSD is look that up.

I am actually afraid to post another code, thinking I will screw up code tags again. Tonight I wrote code for a metronome I am building that prints out to an LCD, and other ports. I suppose I could try to post that code and see if I can do it with code tags. But---like I said, I am afraid to post code again, afraid I will screw up.

Newcomer here. I've been working on my first project that has quite a bit of code. I come from coding in microsoft visual studio where you can minimize sections of code. I think this would be a great feature to have in the IDE as I would like to be able to minimize sections of code that have been debugged. It would make a much cleaner approach at coding - at least for me.


Newcomer here. I've been working on my first project that has quite a bit of code. I come from coding in microsoft visual studio where you can minimize sections of code. I think this would be a great feature to have in the IDE as I would like to be able to minimize sections of code that have been debugged. It would make a much cleaner approach at coding - at least for me.

I had been using the Arduino IDE thinking it was the only choice. It sucked, especially for the high-DPI support and the lack of code completion. Now that I have found Platform IO (VS Code), I feel like I was stupid. This is immensely better than the Arduino IDE.

I will re-code at some point, but this is a job that got dropped on me, and the deadline is too close to be sure that I can learn what I need in time. Copying the compiled code will hopefully let us function, while I learn what I need to know to rewrite the code.

A brief explanation

-c arduino programmer is arduino

-P com20 The com port that arduino connects to

-p atmega328p Partnumber, The mcu on an Arduino is Atmega328p

-Uflash memorytype is Flash as opposed to EEPROM

r read

d:\hexfiles\test.hex:i the path and filename on your computer (the i indicate Intel hex)

Led array and sensor input. Doesn't sound that difficult to write new code with same behavior. I mean, you're either going to spend your time learning to extract machine code, then spend more time writing a new sketch as you've said you'll have to do anyway.

My ideal scenario is that I get some sort of unique board number from the board, then insert that serial number into the code somewhere, and the code checks the board's unique id on boot, if the board does not match then it does not run. This is of course dependant on whether the code within the board can also be protected from view.

The arduino board is open source. Your project is not unless you make it so. As long as you don't share your files with anyone no one can see your code. And if someone really really wanted to go to some trouble they could maybe duplicate your chip. If that is a concern then CrossRoads' suggestion of Lock Bits would be of use to you. e24fc04721

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