Yxilo Bolter

Yxilo Bolter is a CREATURE

Yxilo Bolter has both the subtypes - Martian and Solider

Yxilo Bolter is played into your battleline to the farthest left or right of your other creatures, exhausted.

When Yxilo Bolter is used to Fight, you choose the creature he is fighting and after damage is dealt, if Yxilo Bolter is still on the field he will do 2 damage to a creature of your choice. If this damage done by the ability destroys that creature, purge it.

After Yxilo Bolter is used to Reap and you add 1 aember to your pool, you MUST do 2 damage to a creature of your choice.

*This is not a may ability and if your opponent has no creatures on the field you must do the damage to one of your creatures, and If Yxilo Bolter is the only creature on the field he must do the damage to himself.