Yxili Marauder

Yxili Marauder is a CREATURE

Yxili Marauder has both the subtypes - Martian and Solider

Yxili Marauder is played into your battleline to the farthest left or right of your other creatures, exhausted.

Yxili Marauder has a Continuous ability - Yxili Marauder gets +1 power for each 1 aember on it.

*If Yxili Marauder has 3 aember on it he gains +3 power making his current power 5

*This can change throughout the course of the game.

*If Yxili Marauder has 3 aember on it, he would have 5 power. If then on your turn you play Terms of Redress capturing 2 more aember onto Yxili Marauder he would then have 7 aember.

Yxili Marauder has a play ability - Capture 1 aember for each friendly ready Mars creature. The captured aember is placed on Yxili Marauder.

Normally Yxili Marauder would not count itself as it enters play exhausted. However if you play Soft Landing (which reads Play: The next Creature or Artifact you play this turn enters play ready) right before playing Yxili Marauder, Yxili Marauder would then enter play ready and it would count itself for its play ability.